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我还真不知道盖茨堡在内华达呢。I didn't know Gettysburg was in nevada.

他们在内华达的外景地拍摄了那部电影。They shot the film on location in Nevada.

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Ormat在内华达州的地热发电厂An Ormat geothermal power plant in Nevada.

他就像笔直的内华达公路一样坦率。He is as straight as the Nevada Highway is long.

观光大巴从内华达的拉斯维加斯载来游客。Tour buses bring travelers from Las Vegas, Nevada.

在内华达旷野中很少小镇。Towns in the Nevada wilderness are few and far between.

不过,现在阿肯色州,印地安那州以及内华达州这三个州仍然允许人们拍照时可以微笑。Arkansas, Indiana and Nevada do still allow small smiles.

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在内华达州东北部的农村,黄金价值足以令其他事物相形见绌。It is hard to outshine gold in rural northeastern Nevada.

比赛将在北内华达区域被保持。The tournaments will be held in the Northern Nevada area.

雪使得内华达州彼欧澈的一个水库的岸边洁白无暇。Snow whitens the banks of a reservoir near Pioche, Nevada.

一辆小汽车的挡风玻璃被结霜所覆盖形成的模式。Frost covers the windshield of a car in Tuscarora , Nevada.

一名机械师在美国内华达空军基地检查“收割机”无人机。A mechanic inspects a Reaper at a US air force base in Nevada.

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我在七年级和倾斜村,内华达州居住。I am in the seventh grade and live in Incline Village, Nevada.

上两次总统选举,内华达都支持布什。Nevada voted for President Bush in the previous two elections.

尊敬的布莱恩•克洛里奇副州长Respected Mr. Brian K. Krolicki, Lieutenant Governor of Nevada

西部沙漠的内华达州被称作产银之州。The western desert state of Nevada is called The Silver State.

巴士从内华达州的拉斯维加斯,著名的城市带来的游客。Buses bring visitors from the famous city of Las Vegas, Nevada.

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首先,在内华达,危机的财政问题没有那么严重。First of all, the fiscal side of the crisis is less serious in Nevada.

远在旧金山以北的俄勒冈州直至内陆的内华达州均有明显震感。The quake was felt north as far as Oregon and as far inland as Nevada.

我原谅你做的不完美。I forgive you for not being perfect. Joann Goldstein, Las Vegas, Nevada