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爱情看起来像一条睡裤Does it look like a pair of pyjamas

我的兄弟还穿着睡衣裤。My brother was still in his pyjamas.

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她曾经撕碎她的睡衣。She once had a crash in her pyjamas.

他身著条纹睡衣裤坐在那儿。He was sitting there in striped pyjamas.

劳工衫裤、工作服、睡衣等。Labourer's Shirts, Trousers, Overalls, Pyjamas.

也许是发起一个以校服主题的舞会,或者是在酒吧中举行睡衣Party?A school-uniform-themed disco, perhaps, or a pub crawl in pyjamas?

穿着睡衣的她,跑到外面告诉正在附近砍树的人们。She ran out in her pyjamas to tell men who were cutting trees nearby.

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大部分商店都不再出售用易燃材料做的睡衣了。Pyjamas made from flammable material have been removed from most shops.

冬天非常冷,一个小伙子从床上摔下去,把睡衣摔断了。It was so cold in winter that one chap fell out of bed and broke his pyjamas.

他黑色的睡衣裤使我们再笑不起来——似乎这套睡衣裤看起来是那么可怕。His black pyjamas were no longer a cause for laugher----now they seemed horrific.

达达太太把碎布头拼在一起,给娃娃做了一套睡衣。Mrs. Dada pieced together small patches of cloth and made a pyjamas for the doll.

即使在夜晚,我的卧室不会完全黑压压的。因为我的睡衣会发光。Even at night, my bedroom is not totally dark because my pyjamas glow in the dark.

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我的大衣要干洗,衬衫和睡衣要水洗,并烫一套西服。I'd like to have my overcoat dry-cleaned, my shirt and pyjamas laundered and my suit pressed.

人生是件华美的睡袍,里面长满虱子,人常常是尴尬的生存。Life just like a pair of magnifacent pyjamas full of lice people always living embarrassedly.

但德伯格兰德的记录提醒了我们,睡衣在两次世界大战之间的影响。But Robert de Beauplan's observations are a reminder of the effect pyjamas had on the inter-war world.

“你好,哈利,”迪安说,他正在穿一套西汉姆联队服颜色的睡衣,“暑假过得好吗?”"Hey, Harry, "said Dean, who was putting on a pair of pyjamas in the West Ham colours. "Good holiday?"

如果当你缩在睡衣里时,他说你很美,那么他说的很可能是真心话。If he tells you you're pretty when you are cuddled up in your pyjamas then chances are that he means it.

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吉姆吃力地从床上爬起来,离开弄得他疼痛不堪的床垫,穿上条纹睡衣,站在窗户旁注视着花园。Climbing painfully from a sore mattress, standing in striped pyjamas by the window, Jim stares gardenwards.

写这篇稿子时,我正穿着睡衣。假如去大公司工作的话,我想我就没法儿这么说了。As I type this I'm in my pyjamas. I don't think I could be saying that if I'd gone to work for Big Corporate plc.

在那儿,丝绸厂家先给我们展示了丝棉被和睡衣的制作过程,然后试图卖给我们。From there, the silk factory tried to sell us silk comforters and pyjamas by first showing us how they were made.