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你们的公寓是平房还是两层的?Is your apa tment a one-storey or a two-storey house?

因此,高活性的溶解态磷酸酶与水华的发生有关。Hence, high APA was closely related with the occurrence of bloom.

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这个研究发表在美国心理协会的神经心理学杂志上。The research findings were published online in the APA journal Neuropsychology.

有许多相似之处,重点研究的论文格式和格式。There are many similarities between MLA research paper formats and APA formats.

长期以来,APA一直认同客户有决定自身性取向的权利。The APA has long endorsed the right of clients to determine their own identities.

Reddaway是APA精神治疗国际迫害问题委员会顾问。Reddaway was a consultant to the APA Committee on International Abuse of Psychiatry.

长期以来,右翼文献都被APA在日本的酒店作为便利设施来提供,虽然这有点奇怪。Right-wing literature has long been a staple, if odd, amenity at APA hotels in Japan.

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这一立法获得了美国心理学协会、美国医学协会等医师联合组织的支持。The legislation is backed by a coalition of physician groups, including APA and the AMA.

预约定价制以事先确认制度代替了传统转让定价的事后调整制度。The pre-confirmation of APA replaces the traditional aftermaths transferring price's adjustment.

美国心理学协会和其他专业组织也提供了专业的帮助。APA and other professional organizations are also bringing their expertise to bear on the effort.

那次对峙着实提升了美国精神病学与APA的国际形象。It was a confrontation that would raise the international profile of American psychiatry and APA.

在佛罗里达州的年度“谁最像海明威?”大赛中,一位保险经纪人击败122名选手赢得比赛冠军。An insurance agent beat out 122 others to win Florida's annual "apa" Hemingway Look-Alike Contest.

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之后美国精神病学协会将修改其提案,并推出一系列的临床试验以测试这些新的诊断。The APA will then revise its proposals and launch a series of field trials to test the new diagnoses.

图像大小和转移,可自动调整到最佳接触演艺学院设置与关键的一个。Image size and shift can be automatically adjusted to their optimal settings with the one-touch APA key.

让时光退回到1977年,当时APA认同了Gluzman的勇敢,接纳他为协会的杰出学者。Fast forward to 1977 when APA recognized Gluzman's courage by making him a distinguished fellow of the Association.

查阅了50年来的文献资料后,APA没有发现可以证实这种“补救性疗法”疗效的证据。After reviewing 50 years of literature, the APA found no evidence that this type of 'reparative therapy' is effective.

而我们达成共识的是,来自美国心理协会的价值认可会增加“健康心智”节目的可信度。And we collectively realized that a valued endorsement from APA would add credibility to the 'Healthy Minds' episodes.

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“对压力管理有个广泛的认识很重要,”APA的心理学家心理学博士斯蒂芬妮·史密斯说。"It's important to have a broad view of stress management, " says Stephanie Smith, Psy. D., a psychologist with the APA.

民俗节展现了美国亚太裔群体的多样性,以及保留传统和转型的方式。The festival showcases the diversity of the APA community, as well as ways traditions are being preserved and also transformed.

所有作业预计将有正确的语法,标点,拼写和引用,并使用APA样式引用。All assignments are expected to have correct grammar, punctuation, spelling and referencing and use the APA style of referencing.