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考拉在树干上休息。A kola is resting on the trunk.

我看见几十头在歇息的骆驼。I saw dozens of resting camels.

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她的胳臂肘支在桌子上。Her elbows were resting on the table.

银叶椴种子的休眠原因。Resting reason of silver linden seed.

他从上星期五一直在休息。He has been resting since last Friday.

他的左手搁在桌子上。His left hand was resting on the table.

我现在坐得很稳当,谢谢你。I’m resting comfortably now, thank you.

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然后跪下,单膝着地。Then kneel, resting one knee on the floor.

怀纳的休息脉搏是每分钟跳动63次。Wyner's resting pulse is 63 beats per minute.

我们看见了一群狮子在溪边休息。We saw a pride of lions resting by the stream.

一名球员的球停靠在了旗杆旁边。A players ball is resting against the flagstick.

就是当别人在休息时你还在工作。While people are resting you have to be working.

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但是于她而言,它仍代表他休息的地方。But to her, it still represents his resting place.

一个老迈的大树墩正适合坐着休息。Well, an old stump is good for sitting and resting.

休息几分钟之后,要去冲个凉水澡。After resting for a few minutes, take a cool shower.

我们就把这里当成了他的长眠之地。This is kind of where we think is his resting place.

你为什么不和别的女孩一样在楼上休息呢?Why aren't you upstairs resting with the other girls?

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Pele把青蛙放在他那赢得世界杯冠军的脚上。Pele has a frog resting on his World Cup-winning foot.

这位女神四出旅行,寻找安身之处。The goddess are traveling looking for a resting place.

弟兄们都还摊手摊脚地躺在岩石上,静静养神。The men were still sprawled on the rock resting quiet.