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然后再检查被降权的友情。Next the friendship that reexamination is fallen to counterpoise.

这场危机敦促美国要重新审察其核政策。The crisis has forced a reexamination of American nuclear policy.

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建立执行救济的复议程序和上诉程序。Constructing reexamination and appeal procedures for relief enforcement.

事实是,这正是重新审视欲望的有利时机。As it turns out, this is an auspicious time for a reexamination of desire.

沃波夫说,鑑于弗洛瑞斯岛上的重要发现,那些化石值得重新研究。In light of the Flores find, he says, those remains deserve reexamination.

只有对复议决定不服的才可以起诉。If you do not accept the decition of reexamination. you can take further step of suit.

最大的原因是印度传染病的复检加强。The single biggest reason, however, was an intensive reexamination of India's epidemic.

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结果101例患者手术疗效良好,其中3例经过复查恢复良好。Results All the 101 patients, including 3 who accepted reexamination , had a good recovery.

人民检察院应当将复查决定告知被害人。The People's Procuratorate shall notify the victim of its decision made after reexamination.

在这种情况下,可以有三种办法供选择,即听证、复议和诉讼。Well, in this case, you have three choices, namely hearing testimony , reexamination and lawsuit.

因著这样的统计数字,许多人因此加入监狱改善的工作,或是重新检视现今的刑法。Statistics like these have caused many people to work for prison reform and a reexamination of sentencing laws.

为了进一步交流,今年,复审委员会将有两个审查官被派驻最高法院实地工作。For further exchange, the Reexamination Committee will have two examiners to work in the Supreme Court this year.

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在调查初期,我们对菲尔本叛逃时的环境重新进行了全面的审查。In the early stages of the investigation, we made a complete reexamination of the circumstances of Philby's defection.

那不通人情的、对细节的再次检查突然中断,致使一只手可以抚摸一张脸颊。The cold-blooded, twice-gone-over reexamination of the details was barely broken off so that a hand could caress a cheek.

可见,对片假名外来语的引进进行反思和适当的限制对规范日语的使用十分必要。Therefore, reexamination and appropriate restriction is quite necessary for the standardization of the usage of Japanese.

在接到税务机关填发的交款书60日内申请复议。只有对复议决定不服的才可以起诉。Then you can apply for the reexamination within 60 days after receiving the tax payment bill filled by the taxation bureau.

后经随访和复检,证实所生小孩的基因型、表现型都与产前诊断结果完全一致。The follow-up survey and reexamination confirmed that the genotype and phenotype are exactly in line with the prenatal diagnosis.

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拟运用生态女性主义的观点重新审视莫里森的作品,旨在说明她的生态女性主义意识。This paper tries to apply ecofeminist ideas to the reexamination of Tony Morrison's works and thus reveal her ecofeminist consciousness.

目的研究CTHA、CTAP在肝癌介入治疗复查中的应用价值和意义。Objective To investigate the application and significance of CTHA and CTAP in reexamination of liver cancer after interventional therapy.

三未依第十七条第一项规定,申请复查或拒绝、妨碍或规避抽查者。Reexamination is not applied for or sampling reexamination is refused, encumbered or evaded with infringement of Paragraph 1, Article 17.