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他的行为明显是欠思量。His behaviour was indubitably ill-judged.

这种行为无疑就是一种权限的行为。This act is indubitably an act of authority.

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麦克西姆无疑是神圣帝国最不同寻常的骑士。Maximus is indubitably the most unusual Knight of the Holy Empire.

但是,英国毫无疑问地在某些方面落后于其他花费较少的国家。But in some ways Britain lags indubitably behind countries that spend less.

最初,许多决策者把生物燃料拥护为不容置疑的有益燃料。Initially, many policymakers championed biofuels as indubitably beneficial.

毫无疑问,现代化的使命不能由一代人实现。Indubitably the mission of modernization cannot be accomplished in one generation.

她多年来对工程界的贡献,是不容置疑的。Her contributions in the engineering profession over the years are indubitably remarkable.

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毫无疑问,为了达到这个目标我必须继续实践面向对象。Indubitably , in order to achieve this goal we have to continue practise Object-Oriented design.

一些黑客在尝试入侵你的站点时你的安全知识就会得到检验。You will be tested on the material by the hackers who will indubitably attempt to penetrate your site.

今晨我见迷人景色,无疑由二十至三十个农场组成。The charming landscape which I saw this morning, is indubitably made up of some twenty or thirty farms.

今天早上我所看到的那一片令人陶醉的景色,毫无疑问它是由二三十个农场组成的。The charming landscape which I saw this morning, is indubitably made up of some twenty or thirty farms.

但是,由于早年清教徒性格严峻,这种推测未免过于武断。But, in that early severity of the Puritan character, an inference of this kind could not so indubitably be drawn.

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当今的美国文化也面临着重重挑战,而这势必会大大推动美国文化的变革与创新。The culture of America is facing a lot of challenges now and these will push it to change and innovate indubitably.

上海艺术市场是一部永远读不完的大书,而上海画廊则是这部大书当之无愧的第一主角。Shanghai's art market is like an unfinishable book in which galleries are indubitably playing the leading character.

第一,它毋庸置疑地证实她跟丈夫是分房睡的,这本身就是骇人听闻的了。First, it proved indubitably that she and her husband occupied separate rooms, in itself a shocking enough state of affairs.

经调查,还没有发现真正解决内网和外网间隔离和数据自动交换的方案系统。A system which indubitably resolves the isolation between intranet and extranet and exchanging data was not found by research.

在19世纪早期发生在英格兰的废奴运动无疑是无私的,并且深刻的影响着世界。The agitation against slavery in England in the early nineteenth century was indubitably altruistic, and was thoroughly effective.

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我们必须小心区别,这些经验的美学形式,跟显而易见地改变自己天性的美学形式不一样。These more aesthetic forms of experience must be carefully distinguished from those which indubitably involve a change of one's nature.

不容置疑的是,大多数书都互相重复,在文体或内容上让人感到具有独创性的书实在是少之又少。Indubitably the vast majority of books overlap one another. Few indeed are those which give the impression of originality, either in style or in content.

艺术与日常生活看起来总还是有那么一些差别,这些差别可能小到你几乎要忽略,但无论如何也没有大到你根本无法逾越。Indubitably , there are always some differences between art and daily life, differences so tiny that you might ignore them and never too big for you to overcome.