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欢迎惠顾!Patronage welcome!

光顾这家餐馆的人很多。The restaurant has a large patronage.

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敬请顾客继续惠顾。Solicit a continuance of customer's patronage.

恭请继续光顾。We respectfully solicit your continuous patronage.

许多店商向顾客保证让他们满意。Shopkeepers thanked Christmas shoppers for their patronage.

老舍茶馆欢迎五洲四海宾客光临惠顾!We welcome the patronage of all Chinese and foreign guests.

古董店想鼓励富有的顾客光顾。The antique shop wanted to encourage patronage by wealthy customers.

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但政府可以通过调节经济资源分配,对地方进行扶持或打压But,the state can make or break regions with their economic patronage.

竭诚欢迎社会各届惠顾、指导,合作。Sincerely welcome the patronage and guidance of society and cooperation.

非常感谢您对华尔登国际酒店的大力支持和厚爱!Thank you for your support and patronage to Wellton International Hotel.

除了位址外,杨辉仍保留了她旧有的面貌以讨好她的老客户、老朋友。Besides the location, EFC decided to keep her face that her patronage loves.

我的拍拍小店刚刚开张,还需要您和您的朋友多多惠顾哦。I patted the store opened just need you and your friends a lot patronage Oh!

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他开创了美国现代公民服务型政府和开源节流式政治。He created the modern American civil service and throttled patronage politics.

实际上,然而,佛罗伦萨政府是基于一套委任制的系统上的。In reality, however, government in Florence was based on a system of patronage.

利用任免和金钱上的权力,他也正在召集许多什叶派同胞。And he is rattling a lot of fellow Shias with his powers of patronage and purse.

但是此项政策的目的旨在减少腐败的可能性。But the program aims to minimize the possibilities for patronage and corruption.

我公司供应棉弹力方格染色布,欢迎惠顾。Our company supplies stretch cotton plaid dying cloth. Your patronage is welcome.

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即使是现在,祖上的荫庇也对一个人的人生和工作发挥着重大的作用。Even now parentage and patronage play a significant role in one's life and career.

凡购买本晶牌电冰箱,可享受三年免费保修服务,欢迎惠顾。This brand of refrigerator carries a 3 years' guarantee. Your patronage is welcome.

这可能是后来的皮克特国王保护了盖尔语诗歌的缘故。There seems to have been some patronage of Gaelic poetry by the later Pictish kings.