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哇,真是金碧辉煌啊!Wow, it is indeed resplendent !

坐在辉煌的结彩的堂上。Sitting in a resplendent hall bedecked with silk.

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我知道像正午的太阳光彩照人对吧?。I know. I'm resplendent like the noonday sun, am I not?

艾尔拉思是最华丽的元素之龙。Elrath is the most resplendent of the Elemental dragons.

但现在是一个金碧辉煌的大架子勉力支撑。But now is a resplendent managed to support a large shelf.

有故事的人,才能创作出璀璨的作品。Have story person , ability to create out resplendent work.

愿你有水晶般的璀璨,却不要有它的冷硬。May you be as resplendent as crystal but not as hard as it.

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璀璨夺目的面纱,正在脱离黑暗影池。In the dark pool, the resplendent veil is about to come off.

它如夏花一样灿烂,萎靡。It dazzled like summer flowers, resplendent and self-indulgent.

这个人打扮与众姑娘不同,彩绣辉煌,恍若神妃仙子。Unlike the girls, she wAS richly dressed and resplendent AS a fairy.

你看,在阳光的照射下,喀纳斯湖的湖水流光异彩。Under the sunshine, the water of Kanas Lake is resplendent with colors.

直到,我看见了那一片迎风招展的经幡,金碧辉煌的屋顶。Until I saw it fluttering in the breeze of a Jingfan, resplendent roof.

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他虚弱地呻吟着,乞求他的抓捕者们取掉那个华美的项圈。He moaned weakly, begging for his captors to remove the resplendent collar.

他的句子精心雕琢,用词讲究对仗,好用废字,华丽的字。He used elaborate sentences, carefully balanced, and obsolete, resplendent words.

一部令人敬畏的史诗般的战斗前奏曲。效果灿烂夺目,打斗场面壮观。A formidable prelude to an epic battle with resplendent effects and action spectacles.

鹅尾神石园独特的海蚀地貌,色彩斑斓令人称奇。The Eweishan Magic Stone Park looks resplendent due to its marine-abrasion topography.

谁将是金秋唯一黄袍加身的王?谁将是永远金碧辉煌的魂?Who will be the only golden rule as emperor of the king? Who is always resplendent soul?

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刚才我是看到这么大一片金光灿灿的塔林哪,心情太激动了。As I saw the big collection of resplendent pagodas just now, I certainly felt very excited.

安娜·安德烈耶夫娜·阿赫玛托娃及其诗歌创作是俄罗斯文学史上辉煌的一页。Anna·Akhmatova and her poetry creations is a resplendent page of literary history in Russia.

在关于儿童题材的古诗中也是卓然独异,如一颗璀璨的明珠。Of the ancient poems about children, it is most outstanding as if it were a resplendent jewel.