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有钱人&高贵。Nob & Nobility.

被称为为国家服务的贵族阶层They're called service nobility.

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我们家确确实实是名门贵族。We were really society nobility.

贵族阶层过着骄奢淫逸的生活。The nobility led voluptuous lives.

她的高尚提升了我们的灵魂。And her nobility elevates our souls.

侯爵是欧洲的一种贵族头衔Marquis is a European title of nobility

阅读是为了活得体面和高贵。Reading is to live decent and nobility.

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你甚至可以沐浴在一丝高尚的荣耀里。And you can even bask in a bit of nobility.

你能告诉我,你所了解的英国贵族有哪些吗?Can you tell us all about British nobility?

伯爵、亲王和国王属于贵族。Earls, princes, and kings belong to the nobility.

我的答辞没有满足东道主的厚望。My reply did not rise to the nobility of my host.

风平浪静的大海,每个人都是领航员。True Nobility In a calm sea every man is a pilot.

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她并不出身于贵族,但嫁给了贵族。She wasn't born into the nobility. She married in.

一个地方怎么会产生感觉,有如此崇高的思想呢?How can a place generate such feeling, such nobility?

马耳他人的高贵气质就是在这一时期形成的。The Maltese nobility was established during this period.

红色因为它的高贵而被赞誉为生命的颜色。Red has been praised for its nobility as the colour of life.

国公,应是开国勋臣所封授的爵位。Guo gong is a title of nobility granted to founders of a state.

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朱钟明要李英找一个更有品位的包。Zhu Zhongming urged Li Ying to find a bag with “more nobility.”

亚瑟王的故事都是充满了勇气和高贵气息的传说。The stories of Arthur as King are tales of bravery and nobility.

人的高贵和尊严是人道主义的核心价值。Nobility and dignity of people is the core values of humanitarian.