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放下撞槌。Hammer down.

锤子与钉子?Hammer and nail?

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是怎样的锤?What the hammer?

它可能是把铁锤。It could be a hammer.

可以借给我你的榔头吗?。Can i borrow your hammer?

汉莫把它们都击败了。Hammer had them both beat.

这里看上去挺正常的,哈姆说。That's normal, Hammer said.

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汉娜的无峰驼有一把锤子。Hannah's llama has a hammer.

吃我一锤你这混蛋!Take this hammer you bastard!

把矮人的锤子没收了。Took hammer away from midget.

正在用锤子修车。Repairing a car with a hammer.

凿痕是锤子弄的。The mark was made by a hammer.

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这个店员给了他一个锤子。The clerk brought him a hammer.

田径,射击,铁饼,链球。Athletics, shot, discus, hammer.

请把那把锺子递给我,丹。Give me that hammer please, Dan.

俺的战锤随时待命,伙计。Me hammer is always ready, lads.

怎样的锤打?怎样的锁链?What the hammer? what the chain?

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哦,本尼在那儿,手拿着锤子。Ah, here's Benny, hammer in hand.

索尔的神锤纹在他的胸前。Thor's hammer hangs on his chest.

有一个榔头和很多大头针。Here is a hammer and lots of tacks.