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沿着无名的岸我回家。As I wend to the shores I know not.

他问“上帝啊为什么你不救我?”Then he drowned and he wend to heaven.

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我试图把那只猫从房间里赶出去。I tried to wend the cat away from my room.

我与另一位作家会合,慢慢蜿蜒穿过市中心。I meet up with another writer and we wend our way through downtown.

这类决荣馆加麦当分汉堡王、文蒂馆等在美国到处可见。McDonalds , Burger King and Wend 's are found everywhere in America.

我握住她的一只手,一只手环住她的腰,我们开始翩翩起舞。My hand wend around her waist as I held her hand and we began to dance.

温特阐释国际体系文化及其变迁,约瑟夫。Alexander Wend interpreted culture of international system and its change.

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因为她走向她开始计算什么她会买,在她卖了牛奶之后。As she wend along she began calculating what she would buy after she had sold the milk.

你告诉他们听到这样的话你很高兴,当他们顺着云朵穿行时,你跟着他们继续前行。Good to know you tell them, and continue to move on following them as they wend through the cloud paths.

当他们被迫离开高速公路,司机们试图拐过被美军坦克封锁住的天桥。When they were turned off the highway motorists tried to wend their way around the overpasses, which were sealed off by U.

蜜蜂一向以方向感优秀著称,它们在院里蜂窝很远的花朵上采蜜后,还能够“跋山涉水”地回到家。Bees are typically impressive navigators, able to wend their way home through complex landscapes after visits to flowers far removed from their nests.

让我们一同走向那边的清泉吧。休息的时间已到,我从同你交手以来一点水也未进。And now wend we to yonder fountain, for the hour of rest is at hand, and the stream had hardly touched my lip when I was called to battle by thy approach.

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当一些蛇袭击你,它毒液中大量的蛋白质不会立即渗透到你的血液中,但会通过淋巴系统到达你的心脏。When some snakes strike, the bulky proteins in their venom don't infiltrate the bloodstream immediately but wend through the lymphatic system to the heart.

在路易斯安那州的南部小镇,这些传统产品琳琅满目,布满狭窄的道路,有的沿着弯曲凹陷的小道伸展到海滩。These are the traditional products of the small towns in south Louisiana, sold along narrow roads that wend their way through land so low it seems to sag into the water.