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有这种名字“水不复还。”With such mime as "Nevermore."

听课文录音,模仿录音朗读课文。Listen to the tape and mime it.

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唉!哑剧小丑注定沉默!Mime is doomed to keep silence, alack!

修复韦斯骑牛时哑剧动画的问题。Fixed bug in Wes' mime animations while mounted.

默剧是最古老的表演形式之一。Mime is one of the oldest forms of entertainment.

侍者们配合自动唱机里播放的唱片对口型假唱。The waiters mime to records playing on the jukebox.

⊙、用一只黑色的铅笔,描画一出彩色的舞台默剧。Use a black pencil, painting a colorful stage mime.

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孩子们通过角色扮演、舞蹈和哑剧来学习。The children learn through role-play, dance and mime.

这是一条MIME格式的加密的签名消息。This is a cryptographically signed message in MIME format.

她将戴着连指手套的手放在她的臀部,表演哑剧般地表现出恼怒的表情。She put her mittened hands on her hips to mime exasperation.

比如在MIME中注册一个“dns”子树。For example, a "dns" sub-tree could be registered under MIME.

MediaType类可用于获取MIME媒体类型。MediaType class can be used for abstracting MIME media types.

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请注意Web服务器必须有注册“。彩信”MIME类型。Note that the web server must have registered ". mms" MIME type.

无声模式制作,传统法国式默剧示范。Demonstration of French style mime. A Silence Theatre production.

第三是URN不能作为MIME类型而被参数化。The third is that URNs cannot be parameterised as MIME types are.

MIME类型是由服务器而非scripttag来决定的。It is the server, not the script tag, that determines the MIME type.

我不会讲汉语,但我作摹拟动作表示要一杯饮料。I couldn't speak Chinese, but I showed in mime that I wanted a drink.

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因此,就像文章中说的那样,目前的MIME的方式是有限制的?So is the current MIME approach as limiting as this article suggests?

用户代理程序从服务器的HTTP头信息中接收MIME类型。User agents receive the MIME type from HTTP headers set on the server.

他是一位知名的默剧大师,以无声的方式演出各种情境及故事。He was a famous mime who acted out situations and stories without speaking.