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那本书起了巨大的教育作用。That book has played a great educative role.

流浪这个世系图很简单,也有教育作用。Browsing through the trees is easy and educative.

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教育不可以,受过良好教育的没落者更是随处可见。Education will not, the world is full educative derelicts.

对于一个荒谬的人来说,这种哲学比所有的图书馆更有所受益。For an absurd man it is more educative than all libraries.

师爱具有巨大的教育力量。The teachers' love embodies a significant educative power.

确实,这种搞法或许也能取得某种表面的结果,但不能真正被称作教育。It may, indeed, give certain external results, but cannot truly be called educative.

教育权力的存在有其正当性根源,也有其不可脱离的存在条件。Educative power has its valid origin, and has the indispensable existence conditions.

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为此,体育成为生活教育的典型方式,体育的教育价值也因其学科特征而不可替代。Therefore, as a typical form of life education, PE's educative values can not be replaced.

这些教育计划将只是事件的开端,并导致第一次接触的发生!These educative programs will be only the beginning of events that lead up to first contact!

将这样一种精神带到教育领域中便产生了现象学教育学。Phenomenological pedagogy thus came into being for this spirit and was brought to the educative domain.

一方面用诙谐逗趣引发”玩心”,另方面不经意的传递了教育小读者的”理念”。It is also educative that express the author's belief to educate the young readers in a more casual way.

两种教育价值观各执一说,相互矛盾和冲突。The two kinds of educative value judgement hold different ideas that are contrary and conflictive each other.

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语文学科教育功能的多元化决定了语文学科性质的复杂性。The complexity of Chinese subject's nature depends on the educative functional pluralism of the Chinese subject.

我相信,只要历史呈现社会生活和发展的一些阶段,它是有教育价值的。I believe once more that history is of educative value in so far as it presents phases of social life and growth.

如果这种关于伤害身心的教育理论让你认定我上的是私立学校,那就算你答对了吧。If this theorising on the educative effect of trauma makes you assume I went to private school, give yourself an A*.

特别是可取代粉笔的大量生产环节,减少教学经费开支。In particular, it can be substituted for links of mass-production of chalk, and can reduce the educative expenditure.

这些年来我们都感到没有什么比参加一个讨论或听听别人的思想交流更有教育意义的了。Nothing, we have been told these years, is more educative than participating in or listening to an exchange of opinion.

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如果对个体的心理结构和活动缺乏洞见,教育过程因此就是随便而武断的。Without insight into the psychological structure and activities of the individual, the educative process will, therefore, be haphazard and arbitrary.

研究黄炎培职业教育的教育观、人才观,对审视当前的高等职业教育,乃至整个教育现状,颇有借鉴意义。It is very valuable to study his educative ideas and the outlook of ability person, and scan the high vocational education, even whole education at present.

游戏作为鄂伦春人培养后代的重要手段之一,其中蕴涵着鄂伦春族传统文化的精华和独特的教育功能。As an important way to cultivate their offspring, the games contain the soul of Oroqen ethnic minority"s traditional culture and unique educative functions."