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那天我们做了不该做的事情。We did some freaky things that day.

我每次看到虫子都会吓得发疯。I freaky out every time I see a bug.

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这种奇异的现象被称作球形闪电。This freaky phenomenon is ball lightning.

他是如此奇怪,以致于没人敢跟他说话。He is so freaky that no one dares to talk to him.

嘿,那个先生的发型可真怪啊!Hey, that guy has some really freaky looking hair!

今天是星期五,这就意味着今天是一个怪诞的星期五。Today is Friday and that means it’s Freaky Friday.

嘿,那个裙子看起来有点怪!我是说,它看起来不太一样。Hey, that is a freaky dress! I mean, it looks strange.

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驼背鲸妈妈仍然爱着她的白化病宝宝。This humpback mother whale still loves her freaky albino baby.

驼背鲸妈妈仍然爱著她的白化病宝宝。This humpback mother whale still loves her freaky albino baby.

奇特的怪物你是否成为新国王的怪物吗?Freaky monster you whether to become the new king of monsters you?

真正未来的重担都在隆多肩上了。The franchise truly rests on Rajon Rondo's freaky spherical shoulders.

他一面是变态的小丑,在天亮后又是艾力斯·库柏,不变的是他一直是个演员。He’s part freaky clown, part Alice Cooper the morning after, and all actor.

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整个场面极其惊悚,但似乎屋子里没有一个人感到震惊。It's a pretty freaky scene, but no one in the room seems particularly shocked.

现在是认真多变的时间了,如果你有由头到尾跟进这新闻,你现在会知道。Seriously freaky time right now. If you're following the news at all, you now know.

所以下次跳舞的时候如果感觉身体有点“捉摸不定”,那就继续吧!So, the next time you feel like getting a little "freaky" when you dance, go for it!

然而,确实有人在经历了这类恼人事件之后获得超级绘画的能力。However, people do apparently suffer freaky events and then gain the ability to do art.

建筑巧合造就神奇,田螺坑地名的来历颇为蹊跷。With such extraordinary coincidence, the origin of Snail Pit Village was rather freaky.

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奇怪的是,我住在以奇怪的人和奇怪的想法著名的旧金山。The odd thing is, I live in San Francisco We're known for freaky people, and freaky ideas.

如果你想知道更多关于期刊撰写的挑战,你就请登陆优先的怪诞星期五。If you need to know more about this journal writing challenge please read the First Freaky Friday entry.

“这是一个很诡异,古怪的事情,”加州科学院的鱼类学家格龙说。“It’s a big weird looking freaky thing,” said ichthyologist Doug Long of the California Academy of Sciences.