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达赖集团的恶僧卖国贼该当何罪?How to process these separatist monks of the Dalai Clique.

分裂派支持者袭击中国驻荷兰大使馆。Separatist supporters attack Chinese embassy in Netherlands.

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叛军曾经在杜塞尔多夫建立了短命的分裂政府。For a brief moment rebels set up a separatist government in Dusseldorf.

中国外交部指责热比娅参与反中国的分裂活动。The ministry accused her of engaging in anti-Chinese separatist activities.

他特别提到一位僧人的“积极贡献”,而这位僧人被中国政府妖魔化为分裂分子。He noted the "positive merits" of the monk Beijing demonizes as a separatist.

在海啸袭击之前一个血腥分裂主义者冲突激荡那里达30年。A bloody separatist conflict raged there for 30 years before the tsunami hit.

中国曾经通过其他东北分裂组织来插手印度事务。China has meddled before with other northeastern separatist groups in the past.

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讨论唐末静南军镇的政治架构。The structure of Jingnan separatist rule in the Late Tang Dynasty is discussed.

他认为他需要我去劝说或者直接强迫Samish加入分离主义阵营。He thinks he needs me to persuade or strong-arm Samish into the Separatist camp.

拉德范地区是南部分裂势力的主要据点之一。Lade Fan separatist forces in the southern region is one of the main strongholds.

分离主义委员会被屠杀殆尽,这是皇帝新特工达斯·维德的功劳。The Emperor's new agent Darth Vader is credited for decimating the Separatist Council.

土耳其扬言要侵入,铲除袭击土耳其境内的库尔德分裂分子。The Turks threaten an incursion to root out separatist Kurds who attack inside Turkey.

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联合罢工日程是由81岁的分裂派领导人赛义德·阿里·沙阿·吉拉尼制定的。Setting the hartal “calendar” is Syed Ali Shah Geelani, an 81-year-old separatist leader.

从1360年到1367年,朱元璋队成功歼灭了残余军事力量。From 1360 to 1367, his army managed to eliminate the remaining separatist military forces.

波格尔和其他分离势力领导人撤入地下指挥部。Poggle and the rest of the Separatist leaders retreated into an underground command center.

我们认为,这进一步暴露了达赖集团反华分裂的本质。We think that has further exposed the anti-China and separatist nature of the Dalai clique.

当大月旦的分离势力向首都发动进攻时,斯塔丝·阿利就驻守在科洛桑。Stass Allie was stationed on Coruscant during the bold Separatist strike against the capital.

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啤酒肚历史学家,西塞罗崇拜者,德魏夫先生可是位令人尊敬的分离主义者。A beer-bellied historian and a lover of Cicero, Mr De Wever is a respectable sort of separatist.

他说,俄罗斯是“目前”唯一承认上述两个分裂地区独立地位的国家。Peskov said. He said Russia is 'currently' the only country to recognize the separatist regions.

在索尔姆大师的协助下,昆兰在分离主义运动中建立起一个庞大的情报网。Aided by Master Tholme, Quinlan amassed a network of spy contacts within the Separatist movement.