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韦弗问道。Weaver asked.

卡蒂佛是我们的制片人。Caty Weaver was our producer.

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对朱迪·福斯特和西格妮·韦弗心存幻想。Fancy Jodie Foster and Sigourney Weaver.

去偷织女的白如雪的衣裙。Weaver steal the dress of white as snow.

织工在围巾边上装穗。The weaver fringed the edge of the scarf.

热心的纺织工人没有注意到我的狼狈相。The eager weaver did not notice my confusion.

一位织工说,请给我们谈谈衣服。And the weaver said, "Speak to us of Clothes."

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我已经设计了一个网站使用德里姆威弗和烟火。I've designed a website using Dream weaver and Fireworks.

天有牛郞织女,地上金童玉女,唯吾与尔。Sasae Weaver cattle days, on the ground, but I and Seoul.

织叶蚂蚁,它们吐丝结茧,以保护自己的幼虫Weaver ants, which spin silk cocoons to protect their larvae

维弗扮演一位植物学家,监督这次探险。Sigourney Weaver plays a botanist overseeing the exploration.

牛郎不厌天河阔,织女但求凡世欢。Tianhe not object to Cowboy wide, but Weaver for Huan Firestone.

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当他看到了变胖的织女,马上往反方向跑了回去。When he see the FAT Weaver Maiden, he immediately ran reversely.

牛郎带在养殖领域和女仆编织在家。The cowhand farmed in the field and the Weaver Maid wove at home.

织布使用纬纱的色彩创造的个别地区。A weaver uses the weft threads to create individual areas of color.

我们的计划是写达纳Demange,杰里沃森和CATY韦弗。Our program was written by Dana Demange, Jeri Watson and Caty Weaver.

在我出生的时候,我父亲是苏格兰的一个富有经验的织布工人。When I was born my father was a well-to-do master weaver in Scotland.

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在上海的日子,我还向上海的姐妹学会了织女毛衣。Days in Shanghai, I also to the Shanghai sisters learned weaver sweater.

而这是美国之音特别英语健康报道,由Caty韦弗写的。And that's the VOA Special English Health Report, written by Caty Weaver.

英国风景画画家约翰·克罗姆生于诺里克一个贫穷织布工家庭。English landscape painter, was born at Norwich, the son of a poor weaver.