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热情的女店主。An ebullient woman shop-owner.

有时蓖麻油还可以用作了热情洋溢。Sometimes castor oil can also be used as an ebullient.

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她散发出的对生活之乐和热情奔放的感觉都消失了。She exuded joie de vivre and an ebullient sensuality that she lost.

她看起来疲惫不堪,没有上次我在监狱里见到的那样精力充沛了。She looked tired and much less ebullient than when I saw her in jail.

匈牙利电影界的上层,充满了昂扬和热情洋溢的气氛。At the top of the country's film industry, the mood is both bullish and ebullient.

如果将黄锐的评论解读为对中国艺术欣欣向荣的排斥,就大错特错了。It would be wrong to interpret Mr. Huangs criticisms as rejection of the ebullient Chinese art scene.

如果将黄锐的评论解读为对中国艺术欣欣向荣的排斥,就大错特错了。It would be wrong to interpret Mr. Huang's criticisms as rejection of the ebullient Chinese art scene.

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他的第三站位于匹兹堡郊外,他看起来活力四射,甚至有点醉意。By the third stop outside Pittsburgh, he appeared positively ebullient -- or perhaps a bit punch drunk.

座谈会上,闵书记、许校长发表了热情洋溢的讲话,向各位代表、委员介绍了母校近年来的发展情况。To introduce the development of PKU, President Min Weifang and Xu Zhihong gave the ebullient speech respectively.

2013年1月份空气污染极度严重期间,这位自我推销者热情洋溢、不知疲倦地发放罐装免费“新鲜空气”。During a particularly murky bout of pollution in January, the ebullient andtireless self-promoter handed out free cans of"fresh air".

以色列总理本内亚明·内塔尼亚胡是位激情洋溢的领导人,由其领导的以色列右翼正在庆祝冻结定居点这个问题的终结,虽然冻结定居点从未开始过。THE Israeli right, led by Binyamin Netanyahu, the country’s ebullient prime minister, is celebrating the end of a settlement freeze that never began.

一旦狂热的交易员变得偏执,意识到他们对自己的交易伙伴知之甚少,他们就拒绝承认自己的投资组合存在真正价值。Once ebullient traders become paranoid, realizing how little they know about their trading partners. They refuse to acknowledge the true value of their portfolios.

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11月3日,阿兰•沙德雷克热血沸腾的律师在听完委托人藐视法庭案审讯的法官宣判后,说委托人“喜气洋洋”。"PLEASED as punch" was how Alan Shadrake's ebullient lawyer described his client after listening to the judge's verdict in his hearing for contempt of court on November 3rd.

全球最著名电动汽车企业乐土公司的创始人阿加西在面对一波赚钱狂潮时表现出了极大的自信。Shai Agassi, the founder of Better Place, the most sophisticated electric-car enterprise in the world, projects the ebullient confidence of a man facing a giant wave of money.

服务器是在火车上的空姐被专业人员的训练。他们的善良、温柔热情洋溢的服务下,你可以真的感觉像在家一样。The servers are on-train Air hostesses who have been trained by the professional programmer. Under their kindness, gentle and ebullient serviceyou can verily feel like at home.

虽然克里斯特州长已经指派州运输部官员去申请联邦专项资金支持,但在一些问题上,比如新能源,他并没有表现出以往那种政治明星的派头。While Crist has directed his transportation officials to apply for the funds, he hasn't exactly played the ebullient cheerleader he's famous for being on issues like alternative energy.