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会是压倒性的。It would be crushing.

他正暗恋着你呢。He is crushing on you.

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现在他们又打压他的头了。Now they're crushing his head.

整个市场都开始下滑。The entire market was crushing.

酒是将葡萄压碎而制成。CRUSH】Wine is made by crushing grapes.

我要怎么讲才不会让她心碎?How do I tell her without crushing her?

土地是岩石加上热,或冰河的冲压。Soil is rock, plus heat, or glacier crushing.

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预压传送,防止纸板压破现象。Pre-creasing wheel to prevents crushing board.

粉碎机能把大石块轧成粉末。A crushing machine reduces big rocks to powder.

显然她已经喜欢上卡伦一家了,我听见刚才的想法正在继续。Of course she’s already crushing on the Cullens

因为一次又一次,我们看到大粉碎小。Because over and over, we see big crushing small.

偷袭珍珠港是一次具有毁灭性的遭难。The attack on Pearl Harbor am a crushing calamity.

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我们在你的召会里,把他践踏在我们的脚下。We are crushing him under our feet in Your church.

他打败了印刷业联盟从而挽救了英国伦敦传媒界。He saved Fleet Street by crushing the print unions.

大部分草食动物的牙齿是扁的,已用来磨碎植物。Most herbivores have flat teeth for crushing plants.

但在这里宽幅,我们没有停止过粉碎!But here at Broadsheet , we haven't stopped crushing !

利用对撞技术对HMX的粉碎进行了研究。The crushing of HMX was studied by impinge technology.

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山东铁力士智能破碎设备有限公司。Shandong tritls intelligent crushing equipment Co. Ltd.

辊磨机主要靠挤压和摩擦研碎物料。Roller mills grind essentially by crushing and attrition.

粉碎刀与筛网间隙可调。The gap between crushing blade and sieve can be adjusted.