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和荣誉同义的词A good synonym for honor.

西塘可以说是水的同义词。The town is the synonym of water.

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来自词典中神话的同义词是“理性”。A synonym from the lexicon is logos.

您能给我一个闲暇的同义字吗?。Can you give me a synonym for leisure?

给出这个词的同义词和反义词。Give the synonym and antonym of this word.

浮躁是无能的同义语。Impetuosity is the synonym of incompetence.

单词和字符串一定程度上是同义词?The word string is just a synonym for what?

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还有文献资料等等。A synonym for this is an abstract data type.

你们继续想吧,和荣誉同义的词Work on that, will you? A synonym for honor.

蓝光水鼓,一个前沿风尚的代名词。Blu-ray water drum, a synonym for fashion trend.

杜康也渐成为酒的代名词。Dukang also gradually become a synonym for wine.

请说出这个词的同义词和反义词。Please give a synonym and antonym for this word.

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普适计算是ubicomp的同义词。Pervasive computing is a near synonym for ubicomp.

西塘可以说是水的同义词。The name of the town Xitang is a synonym of water.

我们应注意对同义词的辨析。We should pay attention to synonym discrimination.

我也不知道,现在荣誉的同义词是什么I don't know, what would a synonym today be for honor?

每一个这些行将使用不同的同义词开头。Each of these rows will start with a different synonym.

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所以S5-代数是一元布尔代数的同义词。Hence S5-algebra is a synonym for monadic Boolean algebra.

这将约束每个同义词的最大大小。This restricts the size of each synonym to this maximum size.

拒绝将“自由主义者”这个词作为社会主义的代名词。Refuse to misuse the word "liberal" as a synonym for socialism.