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他们的宣传断然地转而持反对西方的路线。Their propaganda was peremptorily switched to an anti-western line.

响应系统紧急响应攻击事件并进行事件处理。Response system responds attack event peremptorily and processes event.

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他和我走到车上,将桔子一股脑儿放在我的皮大衣上。He and I went to the train and put the oranges peremptorily on my fur coat.

让他们尽情谈论这样一个又高又胖的女人,一个专横的女王。I think let them talk on till the alguazil peremptorily queen looked like, a tall, stout woman, with such.

被山洪围困的人,有多少还铭记横遭砍伐的森林?Being besieged by mountain torrents, how many people still engrave those forests being peremptorily cut down?

我也盛了一点,饭放入口中,淡淡的,没味道,我一股脑儿把饭吐了出来,原来没放盐啊!I sung a little rice into the mouth, insidious, no taste, I peremptorily spit out the rice, the original no salt ah!

这些影子是如此专制地吸引了他,人类以及人类的要求离他日益疏远起来。So peremptorily did these shades beckon him, that each day mankind and the claims of mankind slipped farther from him.

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但优先购买权毕竟有害交易安全与意思自治,因而,优先购买权不应该全部地具有对抗第三人的效力,并且应当给予必要的限制。Because the Right of Preemption is likely to injure the security of trafficking, it shouldn't peremptorily oppose the third party. And some restrictions are necessary.

因此,为了满足我国公路建设的技术需求,对现行规范的沥青混合料设计方法进行优化已迫在眉睫。So in order to satisfying the needs in the highway construction the design methods of the asphalt concrete need to be optimized peremptorily in the existing criterion.

虚拟人在我国工业、尤其是国防工业领域应用中面临的一个亟待解决的问题是需要具有自主知识产权的虚拟人平台及其应用软件。One problem, which should be solved peremptorily in the application of virtual human in the defense industry of our country, is to develop the kernel of the virtual human software.