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市长候选人答应清洗警察部门。The mayoral candidate has promised to purge the police department.

全国各地的市长选举高潮不断。Cliffhangers were the norm for mayoral elections all across the country.

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两个主要城市都将进行的市长选举,谁的明天会更好?Two great cities are about to hold mayoral elections. Which has the brighter future?

在星期二,三位市长竞选人参加了电视广播辩论会。The three main mayoral candidates took part in the debate, to be broadcast on Tuesday.

梅南夫人通知好友卡门夫人,她已决议参与市长竞选。MeiNa notify friends Carmen lady, she has been involved in the mayoral race resolution.

1997年的投票包括选举休斯顿市长、其他市属职位和当地的一些议题。The 1997 ballot included the Houston mayoral race, other city offices and local issues.

政治新手朴元淳在备受关注的首尔市长选举中大获全胜。A political novice, Park Won-soon, is the victor in Seoul's closely watched mayoral election.

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中共山西省委还督促市人大投票解除他的市长职务。The party has also urged that the city's legislature vote to strip him from his mayoral post.

新基地拟建于名护市,该市今年1月24日就将进行市长选举。A mayoral election takes place on January 24th in Nago, the city where the new base is proposed.

以休斯顿为例,不久该城将进行市长选举,竞争者都瞄准了犯罪活动这一话题,不停拿它说事。Houston, for example, has a mayoral election coming up, and the contenders are banging on about crime.

这种情况可能会有所变化。下个月,美国的波特兰和缅因州将举行它们的第一届优先选择投票制的市长大选。That may be about to change. Next month Portland, Maine, will have its first ranked-choice mayoral election.

戴维再次以房产抵押的事要挟梅南夫人,逼迫她同意参与市长竞选。David once again in the mortgage MeiNa of pressuring her to coerce, madam agreed to take part in the mayoral race.

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为准备五月二日民主党市长候选人政见发布会,中华公所与社区领袖召开第二次预备会议。CCBA and community leaders had the second preparation meeting for the Democratic Mayoral Candidates Debate on May 2nd.

台北市现任市长郝龙斌成功连任,朱立伦打败民进党主席蔡英文赢得新北市选举。Taipei mayoral incumbent Hau Lung-bin won in Taipei and Eric Chu beat out DPP chairperson Tsai Ing-wen in Xinbei City.

一名男子经过印有瓜地马拉胡蒂亚帕省长候选人马诺。卡迪洛竞选标志的墙。A man passes a campaign sign of mayoral candidate Manuel Castillo in Jutiapa, Guatemala in this photo taken May 22, 2007.

帕克市长说,她重视发展对华合作,去年她率团访华成果丰硕,休斯敦从中受益良多。Ever since her taking the mayoral office, the exchange and cooperation between Houston and China have made great progress.

在去年的市长竞选中,安妮丝?帕克,也就是后来的当政者,对休斯顿市财政状况的看法并不乐观。DURING last year's mayoral campaign Annise Parker, then Houston's controller, offered an austere view of the city's finances.

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许多分析家认为,今年末参选台北市长的苏贞昌比蔡英文更优秀。Many analysts believe that Su Tseng-chang, its candidate in the Taipei mayoral election later this year, would do better than Ms Tsai.

在各大城市的市长选举中,休斯敦、费城、匹兹堡、旧金山和犹他州的盐湖城都选出或重新选出民主党人为市长。In big-city mayoral races, Houston, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, San Francisco and Utah’s Salt Lake City all elected or re-elected Democrats.

但是,有些在2002年拥护“市长控制”的人现在开始抱怨彭博是一个专权者,认为他在公众反应还极为有限时就轻率地强制推行其计划。But some who favoured mayoral control in 2002 now complain that Mr Bloomberg is a dictator, hastily imposing plans after little public input.