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欧洲人将转向国有化。Europeans will drift toward nationalization.

民族化是一个长期的装了很多人。Nationalization is a loaded term for a lot of people.

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可是“国有化”并不会让这些问题消失。But nationalization doesn’t make these problems disappear.

我们也应该逆转地方警察机构的国有化趋势。We also need to reverse the nationalization of local police.

银行业本身对国有化显然相当排斥.The banking industry itself is obviously opposed to nationalization.

最终在1976年经国有化成为巴拉特石油公司。Eventually become in 1976 by the nationalization of Palawan Special oil.

彻底的国有化和对债权人扣减率的行为会起到相反的作用。Outright nationalization and haircutting of creditors will do just the opposite.

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因此百年中国电影的民族化之路是清晰可见的。Thus, nationalization road of a hundred-year China movie is obviously presented.

城市化与集体土地国有化不能划等号。The urbanization isn't equal to the nationalization of the collectively—owned land.

实现了捷达、来和高尔夫轿车发动机曲轴毛坯的国产化。The nationalization of engine crankshaft blank for jetta bora and golf car was realized.

实现了捷达、宝来和高尔夫轿车发动机曲轴毛坯的国产化。The nationalization of engine crankshaft blank for Jetta, Bora and Golf car was realized.

中国的土地国有,这也是中国经济高速发展的一个重要原因。The land nationalization is an important factor to the rapid economic development in China.

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但是中药的国家化只有亳州的努力和推动远远不够。However, the nationalization of medicine only Bozhou efforts to promote and far from enough.

表面看,是华府方面担心不受控制的国有化。The answer seems to be that Washington remains deathly afraid of the N-word — nationalization.

特色性原则中还有一点也很重要,就是品牌形象的民族化。Characteristics of the principle It is also important that the brand image of the nationalization.

确实,他们提到的国有化带来的风险在如今的美国确实存在。Indeed, the risks of nationalization they warned about then apply equally to the United States now.

国有化将是必然的解决方案,因此中国政府倒不如现在就行动起来,清除这些债务负担。Nationalization will inevitably be the solution, so Beijing might as well get it out of the way now.

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董希文与“油画民族化”理论以及实践有着直接的关系。Dong Xiwen had a direct relation to the theory and practice of 'the Nationalization of Oil Painting'.

对于那些惧怕金融系统国有化的人来说,这恐怕已经超出了他们的承受范围。For those who fear nationalization of our financial system, the destination seemed just over the horizon.

随着伊拉克国家石油公司的成立,伊拉克在1966年完成了石油工业的国有化。The nationalization of Iraq's oil industry was completed in 1966 with the formation of Iraq National Oil.