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它是一个修正带。It's a tape.

那是一盘磁带吗?Is that a tape?

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那是一盘磁带。That is a tape.

这是他的修正带吗?Is that his tape?

这是她的修正带吗?Is this her tape?

卡带到这里就结束了。And the tape ends.

你拿走那卷带子吗?。Did you take that tape?

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李夫人想要一些胶带。Mrs Li wants some tape.

录像磁带接头器?。VTS? Video Tape Splicer?

听课文第一段录音。学生回答问题。Let's listen to the tape.

带子放错地方了。The tape was misthreaded.

我有这首歌的灌音磁带。I have a tape of the song.

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磁盘、磁鼓或磁带存储器。Disk, drum, or tape memory.

封箱胶带请封2层。Do tape 2 layers of carton.

八只猿吃了内特的线带。Eight apes ate Nate's tape.

这是加封用的带子。Here is tape for sealing it.

用胶带贴住胶布末端。Stick the end of cover tape.

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整盘带子都是这样。The whole tape is like this.

你的磁带能借我用用吗?Would you lend me your tape?

想象插入录像带。Imagine plugging in the tape.