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他从未做过任何伤风败俗的事。He's never done anything injurious to morals.

吸烟有害我的健康。Smoking is injurious to my health. Smoking injures my health.

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这位夫人可能会认为是一种隐晦曲折的中伤。This lady might have thought injurious without being explicit.

他因品行有损军人的名誉而被撤职。He was cashiered for conduct injurious to the reputation of a soldier.

最后,可能使跑步变得比原本更加具困难性和伤害性。Jiggle may make running both more difficult and injurious than it needs to be.

在茶园释放两种食虫性螨,用以控制茶叶害螨。Two insectivorous mites were released to tea fields to control injurious mites.

灰飞虱是宁夏粮食作物上的一大害虫。The small brown rice planthopper is an injurious insect on food crop of Ningxia.

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但是,请你们注意,我从前想洗雪的那种羞辱,确是一种有害的东西。But, you see, the infamy from which I have tried to escape is an injurious thing.

您可能需要允许用户将可能有害的字符输入到文本框中。You may need to allow the user to enter potentially injurious characters into a textbox.

加州是非常幸运了,不用线虫是伤到香蕉。California is extremely fortunate in not having nematodes that are injurious to the banana.

在刚经过涂覆的表面进行干燥时,必须防止其受有害条件的影响。The freshly coated surfaces must be protected against all injurious influences while drying.

这对于我的专业性和个人形象简直是一种毁灭性的毁谤。This was nothing short of devastating and injurious to my professional and personal identity.

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当我们从伤害的忧伤中被释放出来以后,中间有多少个人憔悴了!Ah, how many of us have pined after reliefs to our grief which would have been injurious to us!

梨食芽蛾在中国记载已有数十年历史、但迄今只有属名尚无种名。Spilonota sp. injurious to pear is described from China for many years but without a species name.

第十八条,我们要求坚决起诉那些其活动有害于公共利益的人。We demand the ruthless prosecution of those whose activities are injurious to the common interest.

放弃能够重复实施的侵害行为完全符合犯罪中止的特征。Abandoning the repeated injurious act is fully consistent with the features of desistance of crime.

研究PC12细胞内精脒含量在浓缩铀诱导细胞凋亡中的作用。This is a study on injurious effects of cellular spermidine to PC12 cells irradiated by enriched uranium.

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结论大鼠吸入贫铀气溶胶对肺、肾、脾组织有明显的损伤作用。Conclusion There are evident injurious effects on rat lung, kidney and spleen by inhalation of DU aerosol.

目的探讨交变脉冲强磁场对肿瘤组织杀伤作用的机理。Objective To investigate the mechanism of injurious effect of alternating impulse magnetic field on tumor.

在正常状况下这些迫害感化会因消化系统而降低。Under normal circumstances this injurious influence is reduced in the gut system by specific amine oxidases.