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沃克在找一车子的小孩…Walker was looking for this big busload of kids.

我们不知道公共汽车上的人到底发生了什么事。We don't know what happened to that busload of people.

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一辆满载戴着统一红帽的志愿者的汽车也在乡间绵延土路颠簸而来。A busload of volunteers in matching red hats was bumping along the village's rutted dirt road.

当一辆公交车掉进了亚马逊河中,他们真的被食人鱼吃得只剩下了骨头?Did a school of piranha eat flesh down to the bone of a busload of passengers that crashed in an Amazonian river?

我踢脱鞋子,跑向基地,渴望比乘公共汽车赶往那儿的游客抢先到达。I kick off my shoes and run toward the base, eager to beat other tourists who have begun to arrive by the busload.

当我们艰难地走向机场大门的时候,路过一群旅游归来的人们,沮丧的大人,吵闹的孩子。As we made our way to the gate we passed through a busload of frustrated holiday goers and their screaming children.

如果我跟大家说,有个混帮派的要被宰了,或是有一车的阿兵哥会被炸死,没有人会惊慌。If I told people that a gangbanger was going to get shot, or a busload of soldiers was going to get blown up, nobody would panic.

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一车的政治家正行驶在乡村的一条路上,突然这辆车开离了路并撞上了一个老农民的谷仓。A busload of politicians were driving down a country road, when suddenly the bus ran off the road and crashed into an old farmer's barn.

文章从分析CAN总线协议入手,通过计算CAN总线的总线负载率,得出单个CAN总线传输报文帧的上限值。Based on the analysis of CAN bus protocol, this paper obtains upper limit of frames in a single CAN bus through calculating its busload.

卡罗尔.威利斯从阿肯色州组织了一群能够坐满公共汽车的黑人,来纽约市讲述我在担任州长期间为黑人以及与黑人共同所做的事迹。Carol Willis organized a busload of black Arkansans to come to New York City to talk about what I had done as governor for and with blacks.

研究结果表明,该算法能够实现LIN总线带宽利用率的最优解,并能进一步降低LIN总线的总线负载率。The results indicate that this algorithm can not only achieve the optimal bandwidth utilization of LIN bus, but also reduce the busload of LIN bus.

前警察罗兰多门多萨在马尼拉劫持了一车香港游客作为人质,他竭力要洗清自己的勒索指控,并恢复其警职。Ex-policeman Rolando Mendoza took the busload of Hong Kong tourists hostage in Manila in a desperate bid to have himself cleared of extortion charges and get his job back.

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自从在多米尼肯共和国交接的边境上,与一车共33名被称为孤儿的儿童被拘留以来,这五名男性和五名女性一直被关押着。The five men and five women have been locked up ever since they were stopped at the border with the Dominican Republic with a busload of 33 children they said were orphans.

这次袭击三天前,曾发生一起被解雇的前警官在马尼拉劫持香港旅游巴士的事件。有八名人质在劫匪被警方狙击手击毙前丧生。The attack came just three days after a disgruntled ex-policeman took hostage a busload of Hong Kong tourists in Manila, killing eight of them before he was shot dead by a police sniper.

智库机构伯特斯曼基金会的杰宁指出,一旦发生灾难,要是一车士兵在与塔利班的战斗中牺牲,那民众定然强烈反对再次出兵。There may well be a backlash, says Josef Janning of the Bertelsmann Foundation, a think-tank, if something really bad happens, such as a busload of soldiers dying while fighting the Taliban.

马尼拉警方称,劫持者是一名因失业而感到绝望的前菲律宾警察,他在周一劫持了一辆来自中国香港的旅游大巴,并在被警方射杀之前杀害了大巴上的八名游客。Manila police said former police officer Rolando Mendoza, upset at having lost his job, held hostage a busload of tourists from Hong Kong on Monday and killed eight of them before being shot dead.