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所以猫王的Bacon数为二。So, Elvis Presley has a Bacon number of two.

斯巴克和JJ赢了这场挑战赛不!Sparky and J. J. Presley win the dog challenge. No!

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猫王埃尔维斯·普雷斯利和苏联高级官员都非常喜爱它们。Elvis Presley and senior Soviet apparatchiks loved them.

克罗比和普莱斯利都是麦克风的创新者。Both Crosby and Presley were creations of the microphone.

艾维斯·普莱斯利1935年1月8日出生于密西西比州图珀洛市。Elvis Presley was born on 8 January 1935 in Tupelo , Mississippi.

浦雷斯利三度荣获唱片业的最高奖项——格莱美奖。Elvis Presley won three of the music industry's highest award the Grammy.

数千名埃尔维斯·雷斯利歌迷聚集在田纳西州的雅园。Thousands of fans of Elvis Presley have gathered in Graceland in Tennessee.

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岩石王艾维斯普雷斯利有你能想象的最好的生活,拥有花不完的钱。King of rock Elvis Presley had the best life one can imagine with no dearth of cash.

那天是1月8日,是埃尔维斯.普莱斯利的生日,埃尔维斯是除了家人以外她最喜欢的人。It was January 8, the birthday of her favorite man outside the family, Elvis Presley.

艾尔维斯·普莱斯利在1956年开始出名但是直到1959年她的作品才被列入艾薇儿·拉维尼音乐作品列表。Elvis Presley became popular in 1956 but did not make it to the ARIA charts until 1959.

第二天,普瑞斯莱驾车送曼克奈斯到瓜达哈拉去搭火车上旧金山。The following day Presley drove Magnus over to Guadalajara to take train for San Francisco.

“我们本来就不该结婚”,普雷斯利说,“这是个大错误。“We shouldn't have been married in the first place, ” Presley said. “It was a big mistake.”

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昨日在英国馆外面,一猫王扮演者逗得正在馆外排队的人大笑。An Elvis Presley impersonator amuses visitors waiting outside the British Pavilion yesterday.

猫王普雷斯利1935年1月8日出生于密西比州南部的图佩洛镇。Elvis Aaron Presley was born in the southern town of Tupelo, Mississippi on January 8th, 1935.

猫王普雷斯利1935年1月8日出生于密西西比州南部的图佩洛镇。Elvis Aaron Presley was born in the southern town of Tupelo, Mississippi on January 8th, 1935.

其中一个矿工,埃尔维斯。普雷斯利得到格陵兰居住权。One of the miners, Elvis Presley fan Edison Peña, has been offered a lifetime pass to Graceland.

在丽莎•玛丽•普莱斯利的母亲说着那些伤人且充满恶意的话语时,她则和LMP在开着玩笑。Her joking around with Lisa Marie Presley as well as LMP's mother was hurtful and unkind as well.

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猫王是一个二十一岁的卡车司机,当他在电视上首次演唱。Elvis Presley was a twenty-one-year-old truck driver when he sang on television for the first time.

埃尔维斯.阿龙.普莱斯利,或简称为埃尔维斯,1935年1月8日生于密西西比的Tupelo。Elvis Aaron Presley or just simply known as Elvis was born on January 8, 1935 in Tupelo, Mississippi.

您好,我是最糟糕的事情后,埃尔维斯普雷斯利因为我穿着粉红色衬衫阿尔夫。还是在意说话?Hello, I'm the worst thing after Elvis Presley cause I'm wearing a pink Alf shirt. Still care to talk?