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天蝎-人马组合中的星星在太空中运动相同。The Scorpio- Centaurus stars share a common motion through space.

一次合并可能引起这个星系里的爆炸性能量输出,半人马座A。A merger may have triggered the output of energy in this galaxy, Centaurus A.

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半人马A是离地球最近的活动星系,只有1100万光年远。Only 11 million light-years away, Centaurus A is the closest active galaxy to planet Earth.

这张照片展示了超大质量黑洞的新面孔。This image of Centaurus A shows a spectacular new view of a supermassive black hole's power.

这个巨大的星系是距离我们1.5亿光年远的人马座星系团中最亮的成员。The large galaxy is the brightest member of the Centaurus galaxy cluster, some 150 million light-years away.

它属于半人马座星系团,后者是我们附近宇宙中最大质量的星系团组合之一。It is associated with the Centaurus cluster, one of the most massive assemblages of galaxies in the nearby universe.

和许多其他的活跃星系一样,半人马座也这一过程中同时放射着无线电波、X光线和伽玛光。As in other active galaxies, that process likely generates the radio, X-ray, and gamma-ray energy radiated by Centaurus A.

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有一个居于人马座A中心的例子,一个吸聚盘向太空中喷射出一股长约15,000光年的粒子束。One example lies at the center of Centaurus A, where an accretion disk fires a jet of particles 15,000 light-years into space.

在天蝎-半人马星协内是由超新星和恒星风造成的,距离太阳500光年。The Loop I Bubble was created by supernovae and stellar winds in the Scorpius- Centaurus Association, some 500 light years from the Sun.

全部都认为是天蝎座-人马座组合体的成员,这在本世纪早期时才被天文学家首先发现。All are thought to be members of the Scorpio- Centaurus group, which was first recognized by astronomers in the early part of this century.

往巨大的南方星座半人马座看去,上面影像显示的恒星和结构在光学望远镜下都被模糊的尘埃遮蔽了。Looking toward the grand southern constellation Centaurus , both views reveal stars and structures hidden from optical telescopes by obscuring dust.

位于人马座的此星云距离地球5800光年,它是一个新星团的孕育场,八百万年前新星团由云团演变而来。Located 5, 800 light-years from Earth in the Centaurus constellation, this nebula is a stellar nursery of new star clusters born from a cloud 8 million years ago.

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半人马A可能是另两个正常星系碰撞的结果,碰撞产生了奇特的混杂星团和雄伟的暗尘带。Centaurus A is apparently the result of a collision of two otherwise normal galaxies resulting in a fantastic jumble of star clusters and imposing dark dust lanes.

人马座舰船的设计相对较整齐和平滑,极少有尖锐边缘和小零碎突出船壳的平坦表面从而破坏其光滑性。它们几乎总是对称的。Centaurus ships are relatively geometric and smooth, with very few hard edges and little details to break the even surface of the hull. they are almost always symmetric.

半人马恒星飞船从阿玛出发航行,寻找围绕着外来星球的适宜人类居住的行星。在新德尔塔系统后面的半人马星座文化的繁荣接踵而至。Centaurus starships voyage from atma in search of habitable planets around foreign stars . the expansion of centaurus civilization beyond the system of new delta ensues.

但至少Citadel还是在正常运行,其他如Ospraie基金和Centaurus基金在经历了由于表现糟糕而出现的大规模赎回潮后,选择了破产。At least Citadel is still in business. Others, such as Ospraie Fund and Centaurus Capital, chose to close funds after a bad performance sent investors scampering for redemptions.

影像中这个扭曲的宇宙尘埃云,大小约有一千光年,外观很像一个平行四边形,它很可能是一个小星系掉进半人马座A后所形成的。About 1,000 light-years across, the twisted cosmic dust cloud apparently shaped like a parallelogram is likely the result of a smaller spiral galaxy falling into the giant Centaurus A.