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这列火车的终点站是汤顿。We arrived at the terminus.

下一站是红磡终点站。The next station is Hung Hom Terminus.

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本班为507线列车前往屯门码头。This is route 507 to Ferry Pier Terminus.

到终点站了,请大家下车。Every one could hop out,it's the terminus.

我坚信,沙漠尽头必是绿洲。I believed that, terminus the desert must be the oasis.

从5路公共汽车总站起,走路只要5分钟。It is a five-minute walk from the bus No. 5 bus terminus.

我要到达的车站是这条线的终点。The station I was bound for was the terminus of the line.

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卡莎布兰卡是一长而软弱的铁路线的终点。Casablanca was the terminus of a long rickety railway line.

建造和营运一条铁路及相关的火车站。Construction of Train Terminus and Related Infra- structures.

在他最抑郁的时候,他感觉自己已经走到头了。In his deepest depression he felt he'd arrived at a terminus.

的火车站,那个来自印度各地的逃跑者和梦想着的终点站。T. , the terminus for runaways and dreamers from all across India.

在二战期间,它是滇缅公路的终点站。During the second world war, it was the terminus of the Burma Road.

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“对于穿越撒哈拉沙漠的黄金商队来说,这里是终点站”,他表示。“It was a terminus for the gold caravans crossing the Sahara, ” he said.

目前,B2P位于天水围的总站已经由天水围巿中心搬往天慈村。At present, the terminus of B2P in Tin Shui Wai was relocated in Tin Tsz.

公共通道前往富雅花园、港铁大埔站及巴士总站。Public access to Elegance Garden, the KCR Tai Po Station and the Bus Terminus.

缆车终点离中国银行大楼只有五分钟路程。The lower terminus is only a five-minute walk from the Bank of China Building.

在一樓連接轻便铁路总站及西铁站。It connects Light Rail Transit terminus and West Rail Station at the first floor.

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图中标出了2011年5月2号,6月3号和7月23号冰川的界标所在的位置。Annotations mark the position of the glacier terminus on May 2, June 3, and July 23, 2011.

比赛一开始,所有的运动员都全速冲向终点。All of the athletes rush at the terminus at a fantastics speed as soonas the match started.

这里曾经是一堵65英尺高的白色冰墙——它是库克冰川的末端。The white wall here was once 65 feet tall and made of ice—the terminus of the Cook Glacier.