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他是一个基督教的背信者。He is an apostate from Christianity.

最激烈的无政府主义者,居然成了最露骨的变节者。The most furious anarchist become the most barefaced apostate.

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他们指责她为“帝国主义者派来低毁伊斯兰教的叛教者”。They branded her an apostate by imperial forces to vilify Islam. """

两极相通。最激烈的无政府主义者,居然成了最露骨的变节者。Extremes meet. the most fur ious anarchist become the most barefaced apostate.

那些违背了造物主和他的先知的话语的人是异教徒。Those who reject the laws of the Maker and the words of His prophet are apostate.

叛道潘神对一个腐烂的树妖尸体加以魔力,使其获得不洁的新生命。The Panic Apostate gives unholy life and powers to the carcass of a rotting Dryad.

在1260年的背道时期,这两种策略都被广泛使用过。Both of these strategies were used extensively during the 1260 years by the apostate church.

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但此后阿喀巴对伊斯兰教的态度软化了下来,据说他在1605年以一个穆斯林的身份去世了。Akbar softened towards Islam thereafter, and is thought to have died, in 1605, a Muslim, not an apostate.

这大背道者在高抬自己“超过一切称为神的,和一切受人敬拜的”事上,已经成功了。The great apostate had succeeded in exalting himself "above all that is called God, or that is worshiped."

宗教给了追随者两个选择,要么当恐怖分子,要么是叛教者。This religion gives its followers just two options be a terrorist or be an apostate either ways you are dead.

也许是这样,但马梅先生作为自由主义的叛变者已经简单地投入了新信仰的怀抱——还带着转变信仰释放的过度热情。Maybe so, but as an apostate from liberalism Mr Mamet has simply embraced a new religion—with all the excessive zeal of the recent convert.

那就像威尔斯查理斯王子将会成为了亚哈王一样,而教宗本笃将会藉著假冒的、叛教的普世单一宗教变成像耶洗别一样。It's like Prince Charles of Wales will become liken to King Ahab, and Pope Benedict will become as Jezebel over the false apostate one world religion.

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任何敢于允许男人和女人在一起工作或学习的人,都是叛教者,应当被处死,除非他作出忏悔,谢赫·阿卜杜阿赫曼·阿尔巴拉克表示。Anyone who permits men and women to work or study together is an apostate and should be put to death unless he repents, said Sheikh Abdulrahman al-Barrak.

经过长期剧烈的争战之后,少数忠实的信徒认为如果这叛道的教会不肯放弃虚伪和拜偶像的罪,他们就决意和她割断一切关系。After a long and severe conflict, the faithful few decided to dissolve all union with the apostate church if she still refused to free herself from falsehood and idolatry.

尽管其他人将基督教会视作正面机构,但在摩门教徒看来,他们只是缺乏启示的叛教者和专断的祭司。Mormons regard Christian churches as apostate for lacking revelation and an authoritative priesthood, although they are thought to be positive institutions in other respects.

崷之后,冀鲁边军区司令魏长宁叛变革命,并假传命令调动狂飙支队随他变节。Later, the Kingdom of Wei of commander of the military region side Ji Lu grows peaceful mutiny revolution, false pass a command to bring hurricane detachment into play to follow him apostate.