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果然,我们找到了二个在加尔各达的NGO。We did find two NGOs in Calcutta.

加尔各达的一个小男孩要庆祝他的生日。A little boy in Calcutta was celebrating his birthday.

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他说,“加尔各答是桌下拍卖——”He said, "A Calcutta is an under the table auction -- "

另一天,我走到加尔各答的操场去呼吸新鲜空气。Another day I had gone to the Maidan in Calcutta for fresh air.

印度东北部一城市,位于加尔各答以北的胡格利河畔。A city of northeast India on the Hooghly River north of Calcutta.

这个协会在加尔各答一条偏僻里弄里的一所破房子里举行会议。It held its sittings in a tumbledown building in an obscure Calcutta lane.

孟买和加尔各答现在已经没有空闲的土地和住房了。Mumbai and Calcutta are already very poor about providing land and housing.

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等它在加尔各答卸货的时候,它的姊妹船的龙骨就会铺好啦。The keel of her sister ship will be laid by the time she discharges at calcutta.

萨西和萨拉特是一对表兄弟,来自加尔各答一个虔诚的婆罗门家庭。Sashi and Sarat were two cousins who came from a pious brahmin family of Calcutta.

加尔各答,一名印度女孩身上涂著颜料正在观看胡�节表演。A young girl smeared in colored powder looks on as festivities continue in Calcutta.

他与父亲住在加尔各答,偶尔到达克希什瓦拜访师父。He lived with his father in Calcutta and now and then visited the Master at Dakshineswar.

雷帝嘎嘎的鲜肉晚裙不大可能会出现在加尔各答市的特丽莎嫲嫲身上。Lady Gaga’s raw-meat dress would probably not have appealed to Mother Teresa of Calcutta.

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师父的其中一位主要的居士门徒拉姆钱德拉杜塔也住在加尔各答。Ramchandra Dutta, one of the chief householder disciples of the Master, lived in Calcutta.

仁爱传教会按照她的指导为加尔各答伤病缠身、饥肠辘辘的人们提供救助,向一切前来求助的人们伸出爱的援手,为他们提供食物。Under her direction, the Sisters of Charity ministered to the sick and hungry of Calcutta.

当时,加尔各答是世界上还保有一些人力车的少数城市之一。At that time, Calcutta was one of the few cities in the world that still had some rickshaws.

经过整理他的高中在那里,他离开了家,来到加尔各答学习物理。After finishing his high school there, he left home to come to Calcutta for studying physics.

加尔各达的特里莎是一个罗马天主教的修女,是传教士慈善事业的创始人。Mother Teresa of Calcutta was a Roman Catholic nun and founder of the Missionaries of Charity.

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加尔各答杯是橄榄球运动最著名的赛事之一,是一支已经消亡的俱乐部的遗产。The Calcutta Cup is one of the most famous competitions in sport, and is the legacy of a lost club.

他属于梵志会,也是加尔各答释瓦普库尔的维德雅瑟格中学校长。He belonged to the Brahmo Samaj and was headmaster of the Vidyasagar High School at Syambazar, Calcutta.

“这没有什么不好意思的,”一个登广告找乘龙快婿的加尔各答商人说。"There's nothing embarrassing about it, " explained a Calcutta businessman, advertising for a son-in-law.