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公犬也同样应当检测布鲁氏菌病。Males should also be tested for brucellosis.

目的探讨布鲁菌病误诊的原因。Objective To discuss misdiagnosis of brucellosis.

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免疫接种是预防牛布鲁氏菌病的重要手段。Vaccination is the major way of preventing brucellosis.

布氏杆菌病是一种流行广泛、危害很大的人畜共患病。Brucellosis is a kind of epidemic which is widespread and of zoonosis.

对山东省1994年布氏菌病的流行情况进行了分析。We analysed the epidemic status of brucellosis in Shandong province in1994.

结论该省布氏菌病动态的总趋势是相对稳定的。Couclusions These general trends of the human brucellosis happened are relative stables.

如果公犬是种公犬经常用于配种的话,在每次交配前都做布鲁氏菌病的检测是不太现实的。If a male is used for frequent breedings, a brucellosis test before each mating is probably impractical.

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另外,对从4省布病现场收集的人、畜血清366份用本法进行了检测。In addition , 366 serum of human and cattle have been detected from fields of Brucellosis in 4 provinces.

动物健康分析方法。用血浆凝结试验探测布鲁氏菌病抗体。Animal health analysis methods-detection of antibodies against brucellosis by the serum agglutination test.

布鲁氏菌病是一种性传播细菌性疾病,该病能导致犬只葡萄膜炎,流产和睾丸炎。Brucellosis is a sexually transmitted bacterial disease that can cause uveitis, abortion, and orchitis in dogs.

当议题讨论到带原野牛危害家畜的风险时,辩论过程同样陷入混乱。The issue is also clouded by a dispute about the extent of the risk to cattle from bison that carry brucellosis.

本研究为牛布鲁氏菌病和结核的重组二联新型疫苗的探索研究奠定了初步的基础。This study sets a fundamental foundation for the research of combined vaccine of bovine brucellosis and tuberculosis.

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方法对273例慢性布病患者进行临床症状、体征和实验室检查三个方面的观察。Mehtods We observe clinical symptom, character of a physical examination and test of 273 cases of chronic Brucellosis.

这种疾病是通过奶传染给人类的细菌性疾病,导致持续发烧,关节痛和剧烈的头痛。Brucellosis is a bacterial disease passed to humans from milk, causing recurring fever, joint pain and severe headaches.

方法分别建立人口布氏菌病新发病例和发病率的自回归模型。Methods The autoregressive models of population, new cases and incidence rate for human brucellosis dynamics were set up.

布鲁菌病是由布鲁菌属的细菌侵入机体引起传染-变态反应性的人畜共患传染病。Brucellosis is an allergy anthropozoonosis caused by Brucella infection Medicine, and widely prevalent all over the world.

过去她的症状被认为是由精神疾病引起,但现在人们相信她是患了慢性布鲁氏杆菌病。In the past, her symptoms have been dismissed as psychosomatic, but she is now believed to have suffered from chronic brucellosis.

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消除患生殖系统传染病的机率,比如布鲁氏菌病,可传染性性病瘤。Eliminates the risk of contracting, or spreading, sexually-transmitted diseases, such as brucellosis and Transmissible Venereal Tumor.

结论口服利福平、吡嗪酰胺、静滴复方甘草酸单胺治疗布病安全有效,副作用小,复发率低。Conclusion To cure brucellosis by taking rifampicin and pyrazinamide orally and potenlin via veinous transfufusion is safe and effective.

目的研制布氏菌病新型疫苗,为安全、有效的预防布氏菌病奠定基础。Objective To develop novel candidate vaccines for brucellosis in order to lay a foundation for safe and effective prevention to the brucellosis.