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一个面具舞会?。A masked ball?

她的微笑掩饰了怒气。Her smile masked her anger.

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三名蒙面人抢劫了一家银行。Three masked men robbed a bank.

他遭到两个蒙面人的袭击。He was set upon by two masked men.

两个戴面具的人拦路抢劫了一辆邮车。Two masked men held up a mail van.

戴了假面的超人才算是假面超人。A masked superman is a true Kabuto.

他是一次蒙面抢劫的受害者。He is the victim of a masked holdup.

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抢劫银行的强盗脸上戴着面具。The bank robbers masked their faces.

两个蒙面人冲进银行。Two masked men rushed into the bank.

这些戴着面具的圣诞老人要带我们去哪儿?Where Are the Masked Santas Taking Us?

需要问一个戴面具的人是谁吗?And I'm going to want this data masked.

一个戴面具的人杀气腾腾地闯进了市政广场。A masked man ran amok in the town square.

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那贼用一只长统袜蒙住脸。The thief masked his face with a stocking.

若没有猜疑把你的清光遮掩。If some suspect of ill masked not thy show.

他去参加化装舞会而没戴假面具。He went masked ball without masking his face.

两个蒙面人突然从树后边冒了出来。Two masked men sprang out flora behind a tree.

钴的萃取被亚硫酸盐离子遮蔽。Extraction of cobalt was masked by sulfite ion.

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蒙面人像幽灵一般穿过月光下的院落。The masked men ghosted across the moonlit yard.

她用欢快的笑容掩盖了内心的痛苦。She masked her sufferings with a cheerful smile.

当夏的气息剥开戴面具的花蕾When summer's breath their masked buds discloses