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这套茶具残缺不全。The tea set is incomplete.

这套茶具残缺不全。This tea set is incomplete.

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很多真菌具有不完全隔膜。Many fungi have incomplete septa.

但它充其量是一个不完整的范例。But it's an incomplete model at best.

怪生活在一个不完善的时代。The incomplete times in which we live.

不经意就叹息有种不完整的心情。Casual groan gutty and incomplete mood.

这是不完全恢复的性质。This is the nature of incomplete recovery.

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韩国餐没有泡菜是不完整的。A Korean meal is incomplete without kimchi.

内存不足,可能无法完成转换。Out of memory. Conversion may be incomplete.

资料不全之申请将不获处理。Incomplete application will not be processed.

填写不全的申请表,将不获考虑。Incomplete application will not be considered.

未能完成比赛的球队则维持原得分数与局数。The incomplete team keeps its points and sets.

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现金返还系统只是个开始,但是感觉并不完善。Live Cashback is a start, but feels incomplete.

但是注意,这种方法是不完整的。Note, though, that this approach is incomplete.

在那之前,周日协议就只能算是“肄业”。Until then, the Sunday deal gets an incomplete.

如果灵魂觉得不圆满,而跳到一个它没死的实相,灵魂就不会觉得不圆满了。then that soul does not die feeling incomplete.

独立代理或不完整的字符串数据Stand-alone surrogates or incomplete string data

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终端用户的需求可能是模糊或不完整的。End-user requirements may be fuzzy or incomplete.

蟑螂属于不完全变态昆虫。The cockroach undergoes incomplete metamorphosis.

但3GPP的标准是不完善的和不完整的。But the 3GPP standard is imperfect and incomplete.