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他站在邮筒旁边。He stood by the postbox.

最近的邮箱在哪儿?。Where is the nearest postbox?

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她封上信封后把信放入邮筒。She sealed the envelopeandputit postbox.

他把信小心的投入了邮箱。He throws the letter into the postbox carefully.

此邮箱不接收含有中文字符的邮件。This postbox do not take over the mail that contains Chinese character.

我以为你对我失望了,当在邮箱了发现你的卡片时,是那么高兴。I think you disappointed in me, very happy when received your card in my postbox.

在中国邮政储蓄的门口就有邮筒,可以寄信,国内信件都没问题。There is a postbox at the door of Postal Savings Bank of China for domestic letters.

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张传海我对你们的货物很感兴趣,请把你们公司的资料发到我的邮箱。I am very interested in your goods, please send the materials of your company to my postbox.

等我再想开车回家的时候,我发现我手里面拿着的是旅馆的钥匙。I drove to the postbox and posted the key. I then discovered that the motel key won't start my car.

次日,我的好友从邮箱取来了装著圣像的信封,并替我打开。The next day a dear friend of mine brought me the envelop with the copy from the postbox and opened it for me.

他们拿出邮筒里的信,按照信封上的地点将信递送至收信人处。They take the letters from the postbox and carry them away to the places on the envelopes and deliver them to the addressed people.

通过增强型的留言板,客户也可以在线提交意见信息,发送至管理员指定的邮箱。Through the enhanced message board, the customer can submit opinion information online too, send it to administrator's appointed postbox.

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我如此地肯定这件事的发生,当晚我写信给我的父母,把信投进了街角的邮箱。I was so certain that it had happened, that I wrote a letter to my parents that same night and put it in the postbox at the corner of the street.

那些身处没有地址,只有邮编的科研所和建设指挥部之中的数百万的工程师和科学家成为这些文化产品的消费者。The consumers of this culture were the millions of engineers and scientists who worked in research institutes and construction offices with a postbox number for an address.