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我要一碗馄炖汤。I want a bowl of wonton soup.

我想要来一碗馄饨。I'd like a bowl of wonton soup.

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来,我请你吃一碗馄饨。Come, I ask you to eat a wonton.

今天午餐我吃了馄饨面。I had wonton noodles for my lunch today.

于是便端来一碗馄饨。Then, she brought on a bowl of hot wonton.

要了星洲炒粉和云吞汤。To the star chau fry flour and wonton soup.

樟树包面类似馄饨,但要比馄饨小一号。The Camphor Dumpling is a smaller version of wonton.

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我点了馄饨,猪肉炒米粉,鸡肉炒面。I had Wonton Soup, Pork Fried Rice, and Chicken Chow Mein.

宁波馄饨有两类,蒸馄饨和馄饨汤。Ningbo Wonton has two types, steamed Wonton and Wonton soup.

也可以做成小饺子或馄饨煮给他吃。Can also make small dumplings or wonton cooked for him to eat.

馄饨一词被认为是原产地为日本乌冬面。The term wonton is believed to be the origin for Japanese udon.

那里干净而且味道很好,我比较喜欢馄饨,还有煎饺。There is clean and smell good, I prefer Fried dumplings, wonton.

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如法国总统萨科齐爱吃炸馄饨。For instance, French president Nicolas Sarkozy loves fried wonton.

青菜肉沫馄饨,大骨头汤,香蕉。Wonton with minced pork and green vegetable, Pork bone soup, Banana.

宝钗和黛玉觉得馄饨汤和奶咖啡的搭配滑稽到家了。They thought the wonton soup and milky coffee combination was hilarious.

他们就这样把可怜的仓里满抬到了唐咕噜的馄饨店前。They carry the poor Cang Li Man in front of Tang Gulu's wonton restaurant.

我们可以吃熏肉鸡蛋或酥炸鲜鱿,还有馄饨或煎饼果子。We could have bacon and eggs or fried squid, wonton soup or jellied bean curd.

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伊士梅尔的面前,摆着一杯奶咖啡和一碗热气腾腾的馄饨。Ishmael had a sweet milky coffee and a bowl of steaming wonton soup before him.

到处都传说诺顿先生将出任新督监。There is a rumor going the rounds that Mr Wonton will be the new superintendent.

加入盐,胡椒和油等调味品会让馄饨尝起来口感更为新鲜。Adding seasonings such as salt, pepper and oil make the wonton soup tastes fresh.