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迷惑肝区肿大?Confuse liver area swelling?

迷团渐渐解开…Confuse a group gradually unlock.

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甚至是家人也分不清这对双胞胎。Even the family confuse the twins.

别被文学批评家搞糊涂了。Do not let the critics confuse you.

不要把自由与放纵混为一谈。Don't confuse liberty with license.

不要混淆动量和能量。Never confuse momentum with energy.

我常把李和他的弟弟弄混了。I often confuse Lee with his brother.

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不要把它,和角速度混淆。Don't confuse it with angular velocity.

别将放任与爱混为一谈。Don't confuse love with permissiveness.

首先是混淆视听的目的和手段。The first is to confuse ends and means.

不要把这个类与视图混淆。Do not confuse this class with the view.

人们容易把这两个问题混淆起来。People are apt to confuse the two issues.

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你是否混同了投机和投资?Do you confuse speculating with investing?

能帮我解解困惑吗?谢谢你。Help me fix the confuse in mind. Thank you.

就是为了愚弄股东吗Are they trying to confuse or fool somebody?

不要把很累,和做功混淆。Don't confuse getting tired with doing work.

不要混淆可重入与线程安全。Don't confuse reentrance with thread-safety.

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她也许把你当成另外公司的人了。She may confuse you with some other company.

简直是混淆黑白。That is exactly to confuse black with white.

我以前不暸解他想表达的意思,但是现在我想他是对的。I used to confuse but now I think he is right.