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他有一辆滑板车吗?Does he have a scooter?

我骑轻型机车去那儿。I got there by scooter.

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我的爱好是踏板车。My hobby is riding my scooter.

我迫不及待地要试试我的新滑行车。I couldn't wait to try my new scooter.

你想不想骑我的新滑板车?Would you like to ride my new scooter?

记住在人行道上骑单脚滑行车。Remember to ride your scooter on the sidewalk.

女子从摩扥车上跌落,头撞到地上。The woman her scooter and her head the ground.

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在摩托车上我们为这场表演哈哈大笑。On the scooter we laughed about the performance.

但是在所有的礼物里,我最喜欢滑板车。But of all the presents, I like the scooter best.

那台摩托车跑得好快,几乎快撞到我了!That scooter was going so fast it nearly ran into me!

我真不敢相信你从来没学过骑机车。I can't believe you never learned how to ride a scooter.

丽碧将在几周内开始监狱生活。Lewis "Scooter" Libby could be behind bars within weeks.

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汽油机滑板车消声器排器管等系列产品。Scooter engine muffler exhaust pipes etc series products.

斯库特·比作伪证案今天在华盛顿继续开庭。The" Scooter" Libby perjury trial continues in Washington.

我们是专业出口和生产电瓶车的企业。We specially manufacture and export electric scooter goods.

出席盛会的还有一头长着长角的肉牛和一只叫作斯库特的犰狳。A longhorn steer attended, as did an armadillo named Scooter.

享受美味比利时啤酒的同时赢取一辆时代滑板车。Win a Stella scooter while enjoying a delicious Belgium Beer.

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请看一下我们的绿色产品如电动单脚滑行车和高尔夫球车。Take a look at our green products such as scooter and golf car.

如果我们有小机车,就可慢慢的钻过车阵了。If we had a scooter we would be able to nose through the traffic.

你是说那部老速克达吗?我五千块卖给我外甥了。You mean that old scooter? I sold it to my nephew for five grand.