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极端的虔诚是一种并不舒适的感受。Religiosity is a very uncomfortable feeling.

所有这一切都导致了宗教信仰的死灰复燃。All of this has led to a resurgence of religiosity.

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这种虔诚后来凝固成了一种强烈的仇恨。That religiosity later hardened into a fanatical hatred.

古代宗教狂热的本质,就是代罪羔羊的机制。The essence of archaic religiosity is the scapegoat mechanism.

这不全然是新时代的神秘唯心论或甚至宗教狂热。It's not all mystical New Age spiritualism, or even overt religiosity.

它与经验性和实践性宗教的衰落是携手共进的。It goes hand-in-hand with a decline in experienced and practiced religiosity.

一些观察人士注意到,始于70年代的宗教浪潮或许已达顶峰。Some observers detect signs that the wave of religiosity which started in the 1970s may have crested.

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让我们沐浴在她的仁慈、安祥之中,用虔诚和爱融化每一块坚冰,踏平每一道沟壑。Let us bath in her kindness and peace, melt every ice and overcome every gully with religiosity and love.

旧约时代对虔诚的概念是围绕著公义为思想的中心,即站在天主面前。Old Testament religiosity centered around the idea of justification, i. e. becoming just in front of God.

一些人认为埃及重新变得虔诚并不代表他们再次走上老路,而是朝着更现代的社会迈进了一步。Some say that Egypt’s revived religiosity reflects not a return to old ways but a move to more modern ones.

因此,对空性的体验,似乎是那能将我们自宗教狂信中解脱、引领我们至真实精神性之道。So the shunryu experience seems to be that which frees us from religiosity and leads us to true spirituality.

透过这段文字,圣玛窦把宗教虔诚作了一个新的整合,这是随耶稣来临而至的。With these words St. Matthew puts into a synthetic form the new religiosity that Jesus brought with his coming.

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而我们也不难理解,这样的宗教情结使人倾向于伪善或自以为是。It is not difficult to understand that such a religiosity was prone to self-righteousness and self-justification.

这表明了一个国家社会经济状况和居民宗教信仰虔诚度的紧密联系。This reflects the strong relationship between a country's socioeconomic status and the religiosity of its residents.

这也许可以解释为什么民族主义、忠实的体育迷和宗教在最艰难的时候反而最强大。This might explain why nationalism, the loyalty of sports fans, and religiosity can be very strong in the toughest of times.

尽管,对宗教的虔诚大不如前是导致这种变化的主要原因,马斯格罗夫认为这主要体现了一种文化现象。While a decline in religiosity has contributed to the shift, Musgrove said it's mainly a reflection of a cultural phenomenon.

他们通过答题掌握了调查对象宗教虔诚程度,同时也掌握了调查对象的收入、种族、教育和婚姻关系长短。They used the answers to control for religiosity. They also controlled for income, education, race and length of relationship.

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然而,受访者对宗教的笃信程度不同,他们对在大卫的尸体被安葬这一故事中的死亡了的大卫的意识的评级也不同。However, ratings of the dead David's mind in the story in which his corpse was embalmed and buried varied with the participant's religiosity.

他描述一个罕为人知的神秘团体,处于希腊跟希伯来文化的边缘,被称为治疗教派,以其特有宗教引人注意。He describes an obscure, enigmatic group on the periphery of Hellenistic and Hebraic culture called the Therapeutae, marked by its religiosity.

把婚外情导致的焦虑归咎于美国对宗教的虔诚,这么做很有诱惑力,但不能凭此判断哪些美国人会发生风流韵事。It is tempting to blame such affair-induced angst on the country's religiosity but that's not a good marker of which americans commit adultery.