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那是强词夺理。That's a special pleading.

上尉还在那里像先前一样三言两语地恳求着。There was the captain curtly pleading as before.

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要考虑恳求和求人信。Consider pleading and imploringpeople into the faith.

副县长最终还是同意了我的请求。The assistant magistrate had finally agreed to my pleading.

家人的恳求让他得以在医院多接受了一天的治疗。The familys pleading won him one more day of hospital care.

一些来自伦敦金融家的抱怨是格外恳求的。Some of the complaints of London's financiers are special pleading.

界定了工程合同中不安抗辩权行使的范围和限制。Stated the scope and restriction of unassured pleading in the pape.

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据报道几乎没有幸存者用手机求救。Reports of cell-phone calls from the few survivors pleading for help.

认罪处刑程序可以说基本未建立。Procedure of pleading guilty and sentencing is not established at all.

Burch这样劝说他的同事花钱修路。Burch, a parish leader, pleading with his colleagues for road spending.

台湾人开始时用好言规劝蒋的官员改变作风,但是不起作用。The Formosans tried to reform Chiang's officials by pleading with them.

直到他们听到伊曼纽尔苦苦的哀求声才回来。They returned after hearing Emanuel's voice pleading for them to return.

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当他一走进医院,就有很多母亲围上来,乞求他帮帮忙。The women mobbed him, pleading for help, as he entered the local hospital.

为你随身携带的伤口,有人在我的恳求期待繁重灯蛋白石。An opal for a wound you carry, fairy lights of pleading someone look at me.

她在一片荒无中请求她的英雄协助。Princess Eclair's voice begged for help from the void, pleading for a hero.

他恳求似地抓住了艾伦的外套的前襟,说得那么恳切。He spoke with a pleading earnestness, taking alan by the breast of the coat.

托马斯案是美国首次判决此类案件。Pleading Mass case is the United States adjudicates this kind of case first.

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部分高管正在恳求欧洲央行扩大可接受资产范围。Some executives are pleading with the ECB to accept a wider array of assets.

Sue对于请求假释委员会来赦免B.K.的生命给出了雄辩的演讲。Sue gave an eloquent speech to the parole board pleading to save B.K.'s life.

这是特别恳求否认保禄二世为榜样,提出了这一观点。It is special pleading to deny that Paul, for example, puts forward this view.