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这是完美的近战建卡!It's the perfect melee build!

仅装备钝的近战武器。Equip only nonlethal blunt melee weapons.

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二小玫瑰切割钻石或单减混战。B A small rose-cut diamond or single-cut melee.

只有防止互殴战斗的步兵有效的。Only effective against infantry in melee combat.

他们克制团战英雄和其他脆弱的远程英雄。They counter melee heroes and fragile ranged ones.

用近战杀死25名玩家控制的丧尸。Kill 25 player controlled zombies with a melee attack.

邪术巨人的近身战斗最为有效。An eldritch giant is most effective as a melee combatant.

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双武器现在也可以让你招架前方的近战攻击。Dual Wield now also allows you to parry frontal melee attacks.

虚弱妖术没有正确地减少攻击者的近战攻击伤害。Touch of Weakness doesn't reduce the melee damage of attacker.

但是,大多数加入这场论战的人并没有看过真正的作品。Most people who join the melee don't actually see the real object.

如果你是一个近战DPS职业,德坦克,或者猎人,你会看到。If you are a melee DPS class, druid tank, or hunter, expect to see.

效果的在打乱排列了步兵而且奋斗互殴步兵。Effective at disrupting ranged infantry and combating melee infantry.

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牠是廉价的高速飞行者且以牠的分数来看有良好的攻击加成。It is a cheap, high-speed flier with good melee attacks for the cost.

实际情况是,如果你在和猎人对打,你总会和猎人进入肉搏战。If you fight a hunter you will ALWAYS run up to melee with the hunter.

您是计划让它是适用于混战地图或仅仅是UMS模式?If you plan to include it will it be usable on melee maps or UMS only?

有时肉搏很重要,线形集结火枪是关键。While melee is important, the massed line of muskets is the key image.

与四代不同,不会将攻击力分为近身和远程两种。There is no Heroes IV-style separation of melee and ranged attack types.

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你可以横置一件你的近战武器来代替支付拳击的费用。You may exhaust one of your Melee weapons rather than pay Pummel's cost.

弩兵们同时还配有长剑,以备近身肉搏。For use in melee Genoese Crossbowmen are also equipped with a long sword.

德鲁伊能变成飞禽,那么会被近战攻击吗?If a druid shapeshifts into a flying animal, can it be attacked by melee?