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他说,在动物卫生服务方面人员不足,资金缺乏。Animal health services are understaffed and underbudgeted, he said.

由于一直都短缺人手并且资金不足,你的团队拼命努力才能勉强支撑。Chronically understaffed and under-funded, your team struggles to stay afloat.

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之所以产生这个主意,是因为现在当地警力人手严重不足。This idea comes at a time when the local police force is seriously understaffed.

某些人说你们是吃闲饭的,但是你可以说你们人员不足啊。Some might say it's incompetent, but you could say it's that you're understaffed.

当我们人员不足并承受压力时,接受假设作为事实是非常诱人的。When we're understaffed and under pressure, it's very tempting to accept assumptions as facts.

但是即使该区域培训的护士增加到两倍,到2025年医院仍然缺少护士。But even if the region trained twice as many nurses, hospital wards would still be understaffed by 2025.

如今,麦肯锡的路德维希凯勒说,因为人手不足,急诊室纷纷打发病人离开。Already, says McKinsey's Ludwig Kanzler, emergency wards turn away patients because they are understaffed.

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供职麦肯锡的路德维希·坎斯勒指出,急诊室已经开始由于人手不足而拒接病人。Already, says McKinsey’s Ludwig Kanzler, emergency wards turn away patients because they are understaffed.

负责审阅那些建议性研究的委员会负荷过重,人手不足,充满利益冲突。The boards that review proposed studies are overburdened, understaffed and shot through with conflicts of interest.

现在,他的团体已经把注意力转移到训练年轻人,以帮助人手不足的当地警察进行社区巡逻。Now, his group’s focus has shifted to training young men to help understaffed local police patrol their communities.

即便如此,考虑到这一项目匮乏的人手,大量潜在患者可能错失心理人员的治疗。Even so, a lot of potential patients will likely slip through the counselors' hands, given how understaffed their project is.

在刚果,对穷妈妈和她的孩子来说在人手不够的小卫生院生孩子是件危险的事情,而且危险可能将持续5年。Small and understaffed health centres indicate giving birth in Congo is a dangerous business for a poor mother and for her child.

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想想多数卫生系统已经存在不堪负重、资金不足状况以及人员短缺到了危险境地之时对医护带来的终身需求。Think about the life-long demands for care at a time when most health systems are already overburdened, underfunded, and dangerously understaffed.

梁思敏还表示,一线工作的人员配备有些不足。例如,在她所在的社区,只有她一人组织活动,推广大众科普知识。It's a bit understaffed at the frontline, Liang added. For example, she was the only one to organize an event promoting popular science in her community.

于是她又去找开发商,开发商解释说,他们最近新上了一个大项目,人手不够,要过一段时间才能给黄女士进行维修。Then she went developers, the developers explained that they had recently made a new project, understaffed , she would take some time for the maintenance.

研究人员发现,对于那些医护人员不足的医院来说,每轮班一次,患者死亡的风险就会增加百分之二。The researchers found that a patient's risk of death increased by about two percent for each work shift that was what the researchers categorized as understaffed.

她表示该体系已经因为案子太多、人手太少而已经变得”病入膏肓”了,但是电子探索却预示着致命一击。This system, she says, was already a “sick patient”-with crowded dockets and understaffed courts-but electronic discovery now threatens a lethal “spike in fever”.

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如果第二天是星期六,您就像没有安全网保护的飞行一样,因为这些单位人员不足,医生办公室不开门所以急诊室也不堪重负。If the next day is Saturday, you're flying by yourself without a safety net, because the units are understaffed and E. R. 's are overwhelmed because doctors' offices are closed.

在刚果,对穷妈妈和她的孩子来说在人手不够的小卫生院生孩子是件危险的事情,而且危险可能将持续5年。Small and understaffed health centres indicate giving birth in Congo is a dangerous business for a poor mother and for her child. And the danger continues for the first five years.