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已知的八种虎类亚种中现仅存五种。Of the eight known tiger subspecies only five remain.

斑驴是南非草原斑马的一个亚种。The Quagga was a southern subspecies of the Plains Zebra.

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科克尼红大麻哈鱼为小型、不迁移的淡水亚种。The kokanee is a small, nonmigratory, freshwater subspecies.

区分不同的亚种是很困难的。Subspecies are often difficult to distinguish from one another.

多型种一群相关的异地种或亚种。Formenkreis A group of related allopatric species or subspecies.

冰霜巨魔是一种生活在寒冷气候中的巨魔亚种。Ice trolls are a subspecies of troll that lives in cold climates.

华南虎是世界上最濒危的虎亚种。South China Tiger is the most endangered subspecies in Panthera tigris.

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较大沙丘鹤——也出现在普拉特河的另一亚种——增重更多。The greater sandhill, another subspecies also present on the Platte, is larger.

全世界的驯鹿可以分为11个亚种,现存9个亚种,灭绝2个亚种。There are 11 subspecies of Rangifer tarandus in the word and 9 exist, 2 extinct.

有几个其他假定亚凯门鳄鳄值得一提。There are a few other putative subspecies of Caiman crocodilus worth mentioning.

他说,坚持一个亚种的遗传纯度类似于“集邮”。He says insisting on genetic purity for a subspecies is akin to "stamp collecting."

迫切需要采取有力措施加强对野生梅花鹿的保护。Urgent strategies are needed for the protection of South China Sika Deer subspecies.

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记述了小叶春蜓属中国的4种及1亚种,描述了其中1新种。This paper deals with 4 species and 1 subspecies of the genus Gomphidia Selys in China.

八类虎类亚种中的三种——巴厘虎、爪哇虎和里海虎——已经灭绝。Three of eight subspecies of tiger, the Balinese , Javan, and Caspian are already extinct.

亚种或品种间染色体G-带的总带纹数目在一定范围内有差异。The number of chromosome G-banding among subspecies or cultivars varies in a lesser degree.

中华菊头蝠是由鲁氏菊头蝠华东亚种提升的一个种。Rhinolophus sinicus has been elevated to a new species from subspecies of Rinolophus roux i.

为智力和作战选择的索尔兽亚种最终淹没了他们的培育者。Thrull subspecies selected for intelligence and combat eventually overwhelmed their masters.

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爪哇虎是一种老虎亚种,只出现在爪哇的印度尼西亚群岛。Javan Tigers were a subspecies of tigers which were limited to the Indonesian island of Java.

新疆是雪鸡属分布的中心地区,共有3种,约9个亚种。Xinjiang is the centre area of Petraogallus distributed, 3 species and 9 subspecies in total.

现存的5个老虎亚种都濒临灭绝,因此很多保护项目都在紧锣密鼓的进行中。All five remaining tiger subspecies are endangered, and many protection programs are in place.