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贝伦斯的AEG涡轮工厂。AEG Turbine factory, Behrens, Berlin, 1909.

在雇佣导致杰克逊死亡的医生上面,安舒茨娱乐集团不认为这项行为存在任何过失。AEG deny any wrong doing in hiring the doctor convicted of causing Jackson's death.

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他的经纪人向全球知名的巡回演唱会推广公司AEG表达了杰克逊想重返舞台的意愿。His manager put out feelers to the concert-promotion firm AEG Live about going back on stage.

第二天杰克逊与默里在卡洛伍德的家里向AEG保证一切都没有问题。At the Carolwood mansion the next day, Jackson and Murray reassured AEG Live there was no problem.

我不明白他怎么会回来。迈克尔不喜欢约翰·布兰卡。有人告诉我,他是AEG带给迈克尔的。I do not understand his return. Michael did not like John Branca. I was told, that he was brought to Michael by AEG.

保罗‧贡加韦尔现在是AEG演出公司的执行长,该公司负责策划麦克·杰克逊的2009年的伦敦告别演出。Paul Gongaware is the CEO of AEG Live that was in charge of planning Michael Jackson's 2009 London farewell concert.

起诉中还提到杰克逊同AEG之间的协议令他承受了完成伦敦演唱会的巨大压力。The lawsuit alleged that Jackson's agreement with AEG put him under immense pressure to complete the London concerts.

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尽管前面的发言AEG公司没有这么多的片段,但其中大部分来自6月23日至24日排练的。AEG despite their previous statements does not have so many footages, but most of them are from the June 23 – 24 rehearsals.

天哪,这对我来说就是个晴天霹雳,我比新闻界早先得知他去世的消息,因为我也和AEG签约了。Gosh it was very surreal to me, I heard about his passing before the press did because I'm with AEG and so was Michael Jackson.

起诉书中还提到AEG应对聘请莫里照顾杰克逊的行为负责,但是没有把这位医生列为被告。The suit also said AEG Live was responsible for the actions of Murray in the care of Jackson. Murray, however, was not named as a defendant in the lawsuit.

案件中的AEG公司曾对已故流行天王表示,他们将为天王提供医疗设备,并聘请康拉德·莫里作为私人医生,以准备接下来的伦敦演唱会。The suit contends AEG and its agents told Michael Jackson the company would provide the equipment and hire Dr Conrad Murray to care for him so he could perform at the concerts in London.