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这不会是闻所未闻的。That would hardly be unheard of.

这种事在几内亚并非罕见。This is not unheard of in Guinea.

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这是闻所未闻的,这是令人费解的。It was just unheard of, it was inexplicable.

另外它总是准时,这是几乎前所未闻的。And it came in on time, which is pretty much unheard of.

胡根表示,类似事件尽管罕见,但也并非闻所未闻。Hughan said such incidents were rare but not unheard of.

这样的无罪判决在中国不常见,但也并非闻所未闻。Such acquittals are unusual but not unheard of in China.

这是在国外医学史上闻所未闻的事。There is something unheard of in medical history abroad.

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在地中海盆地中,抹香鲸并非没有被“听见”过。These animals are not unheard of in the Mediterranean basin.

直到昨天傍晚6点40分,马丁微弱的呼救声才被人听到。Martin's weak cries for help went unheard until 6.40pm yesterday.

人们是不会注意到穿着圣诞老人套装来掩饰自己面目的抢劫者的。It is not unheard of for robbers to wear Santa suits as a disguise.

我想象到一些不同寻常的私情和前所未闻的醇酒和情欲。I imagine extraordinary intrigues and unheard of wines and passions.

才建造了10年或15年就被夷为平地的“建拆物”时或有闻。It is not unheard of for buildings to be razed after 10 or 15 years.

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梅特库斯所经历的这类现象是罕见的,但并非绝无仅有。The type of phenomena experienced by Kus is rare, but not unheard of.

没有人听见猫在井底微弱的呼救声。Form the bottom of the well, the cat's faint cries for help went unheard.

这对于气氛通常拘谨的联大会议来说是第一次,我被深深地感动了。It was unheard of for the normally reserved UN, and I was profoundly moved.

要知道在这个世界上对很多人而言驾驶是想都不敢想的特权。There are people in this world for whom driving is an unheard of privilege.

早先在日本从没听说过的代客泊车,如今也有了苗头…Valet parking, previously unheard of in Japan, has begun to make an appearance.

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创造全新的令状业已停止,所以无先例可寻的诉讼得不到审理的机会。The creation of entirely new writs had been stopped, so novel actions went unheard.

而在公司内部,他也有一种在其他企业里从未听说过的影响力。And inside the company he exerts a level of influence unheard of in most businesses.

他在规定的时间和预算内完成了人口普查,这是一个前所未闻的成就。He has brought the Census in on time and under budget, an unheard of accomplishment.