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是因为我们妄求。It is because we ask selfishly.

发自私欲的祷告不会是合乎圣经的祷告。No man can pray scripturally who prays selfishly.

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东西虽小,不要自私地藏起来。Though a thing may be small, don't selfishly hoard it.

如果自私地藏起来,父母就会伤心。If one selfishly hoards, the parents' hearts will be hurt.

自私地将迩占有,是不想与任何人分享迩。Selfishly will you possession, is don't want to share with anyone bell.

冷魅辰却快速地打断了他的话,自顾自地说道。If the cold evil spirit Chen but quickly interrupted him and selfishly mention.

因此,实际上,他们是为了一己私欲,扩大自己的政治目的。So they were in fact stealing time to selfishly expand their own political purposes.

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这些虚构的学生发挥正常,而其他人却表现的很自私。Some of these fictitious students played fairly whereas the others played selfishly.

相反,如果你自私地把钱藏起来或者用在愚蠢的地方,会永远觉得钱不够多。However, if you hoard money selfishly or spend it frivolously , you will never have enough.

为什么人们明知道表现得自私毁掉与其他人的关系,他们却仍要继续这样做?Why do people continue to behave selfishly when it only ruins their relationships with others?

咽了口口水,白启硬是将目光从温酒上移开,自顾自地总结道。Swallowed saliva, the white Qi simply moves vision to open from Wen Jiu, selfishly summary way.

长久以来,伯特伦夫人从自身的利益考虑,一直待范妮很亲,因此她可不愿意放她走。Selfishly dear as she had long been to Lady Bertram, she could not be parted with willingly by _her_.

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他们都是广泛竞争的信息组,都尽其所能随时地“自私”地进行复制。They are both vast competing sets of information, all selfishly getting copied whenever and however they can.

罪使人失去公义、仁爱,变得自私、骄傲、贪婪、邪恶。The crime causes the human to lose the justice, the benevolence, changes selfishly , arrogant, greedy, is evil.

彬彬有礼总是必要的,外面的世界就是如此,虽然出于利己,却毫不做作。There should always, no matter what, be politeness. It is the way the outside world should work, selfishly but honestly.

她和她自大的猫查兹尔威特一样,伊甸自私地计划着让剧院所有的演员在圣诞节那天留下来排练!Along with her snooty cat, Chuzzlewit, Eden selfishly plans to make all the theatre performers stay and rehearse on Christmas Day!

我很自私,我没法想象我们丢掉生命就会失去一切东西,所以必须重新振作。I just very selfishly couldn't imagine the idea that our lives would just lose everything, and that we'd have to start from scratch.

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实验的被试被要求联想到钱,也许是通过看一些钞票的图片,结果他们的行为就变得更加自私。Experimental subjects who have been “primed” to think of money, perhaps by seeing a picture of dollar bills, will act more selfishly.

特别是与陌生人一次性的交往,就更难解释为什么人类没有选择自私的行为。And when those encounters are one-off events with strangers it is even harder to explain why humans do not choose to behave selfishly.

我们自私地偏行己路,把这位父亲拒诸门外,祂反而毫无保留地向我们倾倒祂的爱,这就是奇妙的大好信息。The good news is the wonderful message of extravagant love offered by the very Father we rejected when we selfishly set out on our own.