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第一个是偶然。That first one was kind of happenstance.

我来到该农场住下纯属偶然。I came to live at the farm by happenstance.

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从某种程度来讲,这是偶然的结果。In part this was the result of happenstance.

我的计划从这种偶然性里获益良多。My project has benefited from this happenstance.

所以这种情况不能是由偶发事件或金融方面影响的。So it can’t be about happenstance or about finance.

偶发事件通过业力的荣曜梦想,让变革发生。Happenstance occurs through karmic forays of dream accolades.

只是偶然,我重新茄子酒馆今年早些时候。Just by happenstance I revisited Aubergine Bistro earlier this year.

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只是我的偶然性重新茄子酒馆今年早些时候。Just by happenstance I revisited Aubergine Bistro earlier this year.

显然后者对于农场主和国王来说都是收益颇丰的惊喜。Clearly this was a profitable happenstance for both the owners and the king.

偶然发生的偶发事件点燃两人之间的,或者团队中的协同的变革。Fortuitous happenstance ignits a foray of synergy between the two or the group.

真我寻求联盟,而在现在的偶发事件中是不可能存在神圣的。The self is seeking union and nothing divine is possible in the current happenstance.

环绕就是让真我去感受到所需要的力量,再把这种力量用来发现偶发事件中产生的想法。Girth is the strength required for self to realize the thoughts at cause of the happenstance.

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散文诗咒语就是一种可以荣曜一个新的偶发事件的序列,让人们去经历相对光明的偶发事件。Prose incantations can accolade a new sequence of happenstance that is lighter to experience.

有时,做出这些决策可以深思熟虑,但另一些情况做出的决策将变得很偶然。Sometimes, this decision is made deliberately, but other times, it’s a matter of happenstance.

生物物种总是会利用偶然的机会或者是适宜的环境四处散布。Species have always moved around, taking advantage of happenstance or favorable circumstances.

如果梦想时间存在太多的黑暗,就很难通过散文诗去带来正面的偶发事件的变革。Dreamtime that is dark is difficult to foray for positive happenstance through prose incantations.

虽然事先经过了异常周密的计划安排,但此次勇敢的冒险却是因一桩偶然事件而起。Planned with characteristic meticulousness, this bold venture was also the result of happenstance.

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一次有可能是偶然事件,但是这种奇怪的加速却同样在后来其他两个飞行器上出现。Once might be happenstance. But this strange extra acceleration was seen subsequently with two other craft.

魔鬼蛋的灵感来源于巧克力蛋糕,虽然只是我偶然的奇怪的想法,但是好像几个星期前就已经形成了雏形。IT'S an odd happenstance when chocolate cake inspires a recipe for deviled eggs, but so it went a few weeks ago.

他们俩凝视对方的眼睛,又创造了一个神圣联盟的偶发事件,点燃内心真我的荣曜。The two gaze into each others eyes and cause a happenstance of a union divine to ignite in a heart accolade of self.