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使用家具上光剂。Use Furniture polish.

那种上光剂已失去光泽。That polish has bloomed.

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波兰死亡金属乐队维达。Polish death metal band Vader.

我只是想做下磨光和上色。All I need is paint and polish.

用刷子把你的鞋子擦亮。Polish your shoes with a brush.

假种皮红色,熟时有光泽。Aril rusty and polish when ripe.

他昨天买一听褐色鞋油。He bought a tin of brown polish.

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用棕色的鞋油擦这双鞋。Use brown polish on these shoes.

然后用抛光机抛光。Use polishing machine to polish.

于是我用力地去擦拭....Then I exert oneself to polish....

我喜欢粉色的指甲油。I like the pink-colored nail polish.


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波军的抵抗将一触即溃。Polish resistance would soon collapse.

上光蜡可以保护木材和皮革。Wax polish preserves wood and leather.

取出一瓶卸甲液。Get out a bottle of nail polish remover.

这是所有的高抛光与斜面的边缘。It is all high polish with beveled edges.

可用小苏打水擦亮你的银器。Use it with water to polish your silver.

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把主轴颈抛光至镜面。Polish the crosshead pin to mirror surface.

各种凹凸形圆孤面修磨,抛光。Polish various convex and concave arc faces.

在抛光剂和蜡之间存在著什麽不同呢?What's the difference between polish and wax?