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我用这辆破旧车。I'll use this jalopy.

啊,那是一辆旧车。Ah , it was an old jalopy.

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这辆破旧的汽车哐啷哐啷地爬上了山坡。The old jalopy clanked up the hill.

我对那部老爷车有种特殊的感情。I have a special passion for that jalopy.

路边,一个年轻男人正在胡乱地捣弄着一辆破旧的美国产的老车。A young man tinkers with a U. S. jalopy by the curb.

她开着那台老爷车,恐怕只能自求多福了。She is driving on a wing and a prayer in that old jalopy.

我的老爷车可能又老又丑,可是它可以带我去我想去的地方。My jalopy may be old and ugly but it gets me where I want to go!

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年青的村庄兽医哈利,天天开着一辆冒黑烟的老爷车“身经百战”。Young country vet harry, everyday is driving a car smoke wh3en jalopy "fighting".

任何人都可以进入公共运输业务的老爷车,无论他们有。Anyone at all could get into the public transport business with whatever jalopy they had.

银行将会被国有化,美国的汽车产业也会变成一个轮胎没气的老爷车,很难前行。Banks are being nationalized. The U.S. auto industry has the look of a jalopy with four flat tires.

有一次,一个恼羞成怒的客户从背后捅死了安妮莎的父亲,于是,安妮莎成了她先父的巨型老爷船里唯一的船员。她在全银河系搜捕那个把她变成孤儿的社会渣滓。When Aneesa's father was stabbed in the back by an angry customer, Aneesa became the sole crewer for her late father's gigantic jalopy and scoured the galaxy for the scum that left her an orphan.