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艾伦·斯特恩曾是美宇航局空间科学探索项目负责人。Stern, former NASA space chief.

因此,美国宇航局计划继续不停地搜索。So NASA plans to keep searching.

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美国国家航空局地球观测员解释到The NASA Earth Observatory explains

国家航空总署饶有兴趣地追踪着史蒂夫此事的进展。NASA followed Stevie’s progress with interest.

美国宇航局空间科学研究所喷气推进实验室Image courtesy NASA JPL, Space Science Institute

宾从美国宇航局退休后,成为了一名艺术家。When Bean retired from Nasa he became an artist.

NCDC和NASA使用的数据可以追溯到1880年。Both NCDC and NASA use data that goes back to 1880.

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美国航天局一直在密切关注一个重达6吨的卫星。NASA has been watching the 6-ton satellite closely.

开普勒携带着储备燃料用于任务扩展。Kepler has reserve fuel if NASA extends the mission.

在月球上,NASA所留下的垃圾更多。NASA left waaaaay more trash than that upon the moon.

那方面的科学当时还不存在,美国宇航局当时甚至都还未组建。The science wasn’t there yet. NASA didn’t even exist.

明帝在太空总署受训成为太空人。Mindy learned to be an astronaut while working at NASA.

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国家宇航局收到了四万三千多份申请。More than 43,000 application requests received by NASA.

但是,美国航天局将此视为短期安排。NASA regards that as a short-term arrangement, however.

于是航天局就找来了两个民间专家来解决。So NASA got two non-governmental experts to be resolved.

美国航空航天局在火星上发现了水合盐矿物的条纹。NASA has found lines of "hydrated" salt minerals on Mars.

美国宇航局说,这个图片显示可能水合物丰富的地形。NASA says this image shows possible hydrate-rich terrain.

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对于美国航天航空局来说,今年是特别艰难的一年。This year has been a particularly difficult one for NASA.

对于美国太空机构国家航空航天局而言,这是一个苦乐参半的周末。A bittersweet weekend for the U.S. space agency ----- NASA.

美国航空航天局电视视频流和下行信息,请访问For NASA TV streaming video and downlink information, visit