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请勿践踏草坪!Please do not trample on the lawn.

请快快远去!让它成为你脚下的印记1。Go further! let it serve to trample on1.

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帮我踩出葡萄汁做酒。Help me to trample out the grapes for the wine.

用德国的脚跟把她们踩入泥淖!Trample them in the mire under the German heel!

你再来,我踩断你的臭脚!You again come, I trample to wreck your smelly feet!

小心得像是是怕会揉碎了她。Carefully must is scared ambition trample pieces her.

踏过他们的残躯迈向壁垒。Trample on their broken carcasses to reach the ramparts.

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在花园里玩耍时,不要踩坏花。Don' t trample on the flowers when you play in the garden.

我恳请她能给我一匹战马,好让我踏平敌人的庄园,重返故土。And I begged her give me horses to trample down my enemies.

大象在打斗或者恋爱中都会践踏草地。Elephants trample the grass whether they are fighting or in love.

能够利用大数据的公司将会藐视数据利用无能者。Companies that can harness big data will trample data-incompetents.

如果残虐者幼雏吞噬了生物,则它具有飞行与践踏异能。Hellkite Hatchling has flying and trample if it devoured a creature.

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当他们没有长大到足够攻击你的时候,还是很可爱的。They're kinda cute when they're not quite big enough to trample you.

不过,在长崎,万次郎被迫用脚踩踏一幅圣母和耶稣的画像。In Nagasaki, Manjiro had to trample on an imageof the Virgin and child.

1938年,日本侵略者猖獗地践踏着祖国大地。In 1938, the Japanese invaders to trample on the motherland the rampant.

真正的伟人既不放荡蹂躏小人物,也不会在天子面前奴颜卑膝。A true great man will neither trample on a worm, nor sneak to an emperor.

这天除了角逐龙角外,还有跑马、斗牛、踩鼓等活动。Except for this dragon horn, and horses, bullfighting , trample drum etc.

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狮子会用足底踩踏野猪,用张开的胃恐吓它。This Lion will trample the Boar under foot and terrify it with its open maw.

是我爱惨了你,才让你一次又一次无情的践踏我的灵魂。Is that I love you, wasn only let you again and again ruthless trample my soul.

他们践踏并按下脚底下的简单的男人,迫使他们陷入沉默。They trample and press down simple men under their feet and force them into silence.